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adimpro (version

rimage: Slighty enhanced image function.


The function builds upon function from package graphics, but allows to change some of it's defaults. These changes can be made through rimage.options for subsequent calls of rimage or by direct specification in ....


rimage(x = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(z)), y = seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(z)), z, ...)


Both functions return invisible(NULL).


x, y

locations of grid lines at which the values in 'z' are measured. These must be finite, non-missing and in (strictly) ascending order. By default, equally spaced values from 0 to 1 are used. If 'x' is a 'list', its components 'x$x' and 'x$y' are used for 'x' and 'y', respectively. If the list has component 'z' this is used for 'z'. (Same as for function image)


a numeric or logical matrix containing the values to be plotted ('NA's are allowed). Note that 'x' can be used instead of 'z' for convenience. (Same as for function image)


The following arguments can be supplied to both rimage and rimage.options:

  • zquantiles - numeric(2): quantiles of image intensity values to be usd to determine ,zlim as zlim <- quantile(z, zquantiles). not used if zlim is supplied directly. default c(0,1).

  • up - color for intensity values larger than zlim[2], default ''white''.

  • low - color for intensity values smaller than zlim[1], default ''black''.

  • NAcolor - color for intensity NA values, default 0 (transparent).

  • col - color scheme for values in the range of zlim, default grey(0:255/255).

  • asp - aspect ratio, default TRUE.

  • xlab - name for x-axis, default ''x''

  • ylab - name for y-axis, default ''y''

  • xaxt - axis type for x-axis, default ''s'', see par.

  • yaxt - axis type for y-axis, default ''s'', see par.

  • bty - type of box to draw, default ''o'', see par.

  • swapx - swap x axis, default FALSE

  • swapy - swap y axis, default FALSE

Additionally all parameters that can be passed to function image via ... can be used with function rimage.


Joerg Polzehl polzehl@wias-berlin.de


This function exists just for convenience to be used if sequences of images are to be plotted using the same settings / style. Function rimage.options uses an hidden object .rimage within an evironment .adimproOpts in the space of package adimpro to store the options.

See Also