Learn R Programming

adimpro (version 0.9.7)

plot.adimpro: I/O functions


Visualize image data.


# S3 method for adimpro
plot(x, new=FALSE, gammatype = NULL, cspace = NULL,
                 whitep = NULL, temp = NULL, black = 0, exposure = 1,...)


nothing is returned.



image object of class "adimpro"


should new X11() be opened? default FALSE


character, determines the type of gamma correction within the image. "ITU" stands for ITU-R BT.709-3 as e.g. used by dcraw. Alternatives recognized within the package are "None", "sRGB" and "CIE" (CIE L*). NULL keeps the actual setting. gammatype="histogram" forces histogram equalization based on the corresponding greyvalue image.


defines the output color space, default "sRGB" (sRGB D65), alternatives are "Adobe" (Adobe 1998 D65), "wGamut" (Wide Gamut D65), "kodak" (Kodak ProPhoto D65) "xyz", "yuv", "yiq" and "hsi". NULL keeps the actual setting.


White point in xyY space. Can be given as one of (character) c("A","B","C","E","D50","D55","D65","D75","F2","F7","F11") or as a two element numeric vector of chromatic xy coordinates. "D65" corresponds to the default white point of "sRGB" and "Adobe" RGB-spaces. NULL keeps the actual setting.


Color temperature. Can be used to specify chromatic xy coordinates of the whitepoint. Only used if is.null(whitep).


Adjustment for black color. Color values with luminance <= black will be assigned to black in RGB. Adjustment ist done in xyY space.


Multiplicative factor for all color channels (in xyz or rgb spaces). Applied in linear color space, i.e. if the image is gamma corrected the gamma correction is reversed first.


not used


Karsten Tabelow tabelow@wias-berlin.de and Joerg Polzehl polzehl@wias-berlin.de


This functions shows information on the image. This includes histograms of color values in each channel of the specified (x$type) color space, a thumbnail (in "sRGB" with gamma correction gammatype if specified and gammatype="ITU" elsewhere), some information on the image and, if x was produced by awsimage, an image illustrating the local adaptation.

See Also

summary.adimpro, adjust.image


Run this code
if (FALSE) demo(color)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab