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get_imputation_target_date: Get Date Imputation Targets


Get Date Imputation Targets


get_imputation_target_date(date_imputation, month)


A list of character vectors. The elements of the list are named "year", "month", "day".



The value to impute the day/month when a datepart is missing.

A character value is expected, either as a

  • format with month and day specified as "mm-dd": e.g. "06-15" for the 15th of June,

  • or as a keyword: "first", "mid", "last" to impute to the first/mid/last day/month.


Month component of the partial date


  • For date_imputation = "first" "0000", "01", "01" are returned.

  • For date_imputation = "mid" "xxxx", "06", "30" if month is NA and "15" otherwise are returned.

  • For date_imputation = "last" "9999", "12", "31" are returned.

  • For date_imputation = "<mm>-<dd>" "xxxx", "<mm>", "<dd>" are returned.

"xxxx" indicates that the component is undefined. If an undefined component occurs in the imputed DTC value, the imputed DTC value is set to NA_character_ in the imputation functions.

See Also

impute_dtc_dtm(), impute_dtc_dt()

Utilities used for date imputation: dt_level(), dtm_level(), get_imputation_target_time(), get_partialdatetime(), restrict_imputed_dtc_dt(), restrict_imputed_dtc_dtm()