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admiral (version 1.2.0)

call_derivation: Call a Single Derivation Multiple Times


Call a single derivation multiple times with some parameters/arguments being fixed across iterations and others varying.


call_derivation(dataset = NULL, derivation, variable_params, ...)


The input dataset with additional records/variables added depending on which derivation has been used.



Input dataset


The derivation function to call

A function that performs a specific derivation is expected. A derivation adds variables or observations to a dataset. The first argument of a derivation must expect a dataset and the derivation must return a dataset. The function must provide the dataset argument and all arguments specified in the params() objects passed to the variable_params and ... argument.

Please note that it is not possible to specify {dplyr} functions like mutate() or summarize().


A list of function arguments that are different across iterations. Each set of function arguments must be created using params().


Any number of named function arguments that stay the same across iterations. If a function argument is specified both inside variable_params and ... then the value in variable_params overwrites the one in ...

See Also


Higher Order Functions: derivation_slice(), restrict_derivation(), slice_derivation()


Run this code
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
adsl <- tribble(
  "PILOT01", "01-1307",           NA,           NA,
  "PILOT01", "05-1377", "2014-01-04", "2014-01-25",
  "PILOT01", "06-1384", "2012-09-15", "2012-09-24",
  "PILOT01", "15-1085", "2013-02-16", "2013-08-18",
  "PILOT01", "16-1298", "2013-04-08", "2013-06-28"
) %>%
    across(TRTSDT:TRTEDT, as.Date)

ae <- tribble(
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "06-1384", "2012-09-15", "2012-09-29",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "06-1384", "2012-09-15", "2012-09-29",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "06-1384", "2012-09-23", "2012-09-29",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "06-1384", "2012-09-23", "2012-09-29",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "06-1384", "2012-09-15", "2012-09-29",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "06-1384", "2012-09-15", "2012-09-29",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "06-1384", "2012-09-15", "2012-09-29",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "06-1384", "2012-09-15", "2012-09-29",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "06-1384", "2012-09-23", "2012-09-29",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "06-1384", "2012-09-23", "2012-09-29",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "16-1298", "2013-06-08", "2013-07-06",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "16-1298", "2013-06-08", "2013-07-06",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "16-1298", "2013-04-22", "2013-07-06",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "16-1298", "2013-04-22", "2013-07-06",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "16-1298", "2013-04-22", "2013-07-06",
  "PILOT01",    "AE", "16-1298", "2013-04-22", "2013-07-06"

adae <- ae %>%
    dataset_add = adsl,
    new_vars = exprs(TRTSDT, TRTEDT),
    by_vars = exprs(USUBJID)

## While `derive_vars_dt()` can only add one variable at a time, using `call_derivation()`
## one can add multiple variables in one go
  dataset = adae,
  derivation = derive_vars_dt,
  variable_params = list(
    params(dtc = AESTDTC, date_imputation = "first", new_vars_prefix = "AST"),
    params(dtc = AEENDTC, date_imputation = "last", new_vars_prefix = "AEN")
  min_dates = exprs(TRTSDT),
  max_dates = exprs(TRTEDT)

## The above call using `call_derivation()` is equivalent to the following
adae %>%
    new_vars_prefix = "AST",
    dtc = AESTDTC,
    date_imputation = "first",
    min_dates = exprs(TRTSDT),
    max_dates = exprs(TRTEDT)
  ) %>%
    new_vars_prefix = "AEN",
    dtc = AEENDTC,
    date_imputation = "last",
    min_dates = exprs(TRTSDT),
    max_dates = exprs(TRTEDT)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab