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admiral (version 1.2.0)

derive_var_anrind: Derive Reference Range Indicator


Derive Reference Range Indicator


  signif_dig = get_admiral_option("signif_digits"),
  use_a1hia1lo = FALSE


The input dataset with additional column ANRIND



Input dataset ANRLO, ANRHI, and AVAL are expected and if use_a1hia1lo is set to TRUE, A1LO and A1H1 are expected as well.


Number of significant digits to use when comparing values.

Significant digits used to avoid floating point discrepancies when comparing numeric values. See blog: How admiral handles floating points


A logical value indicating whether to use A1H1 and A1LO in the derivation of ANRIND.


In the case that A1H1 and A1LO are to be used, ANRIND is set to:

  • "NORMAL" if AVAL is greater or equal ANRLO and less than or equal ANRHI; or if AVAL is greater than or equal ANRLO and ANRHI is missing; or if AVAL is less than or equal ANRHI and ANRLO is missing

  • "LOW" if AVAL is less than ANRLO and either A1LO is missing or AVAL is greater than or equal A1LO

  • "HIGH" if AVAL is greater than ANRHI and either A1HI is missing or AVAL is less than or equal A1HI

  • "LOW LOW" if AVAL is less than A1LO

  • "HIGH HIGH" if AVAL is greater than A1HI

In the case that A1H1 and A1LO are not to be used, ANRIND is set to:

  • "NORMAL" if AVAL is greater or equal ANRLO and less than or equal ANRHI; or if AVAL is greater than or equal ANRLO and ANRHI is missing; or if AVAL is less than or equal ANRHI and ANRLO is missing

  • "LOW" if AVAL is less than ANRLO

  • "HIGH" if AVAL is greater than ANRHI

See Also

BDS-Findings Functions that returns variable appended to dataset: derive_basetype_records(), derive_var_analysis_ratio(), derive_var_atoxgr(), derive_var_atoxgr_dir(), derive_var_base(), derive_var_chg(), derive_var_ontrtfl(), derive_var_pchg(), derive_var_shift(), derive_vars_crit_flag()


Run this code
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

vs <- tibble::tribble(
  "P01",       "PUL",    70,     60,    100,    40,   110,
  "P01",       "PUL",    57,     60,    100,    40,   110,
  "P01",       "PUL",    60,     60,    100,    40,   110,
  "P01",     "DIABP",   102,     60,     80,    40,    90,
  "P02",       "PUL",   109,     60,    100,    40,   110,
  "P02",       "PUL",   100,     60,    100,    40,   110,
  "P02",     "DIABP",    80,     60,     80,    40,    90,
  "P03",       "PUL",    39,     60,    100,    40,   110,
  "P03",       "PUL",    40,     60,    100,    40,   110

vs %>% derive_var_anrind(use_a1hia1lo = TRUE)
vs %>% derive_var_anrind(use_a1hia1lo = FALSE)

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