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admiral (version 1.2.0)

filter_extreme: Filter the First or Last Observation for Each By Group


Filters the first or last observation for each by group.


filter_extreme(dataset, by_vars = NULL, order, mode, check_type = "warning")


A dataset containing the first or last observation of each by group



Input dataset

The variables specified by the by_vars and order arguments are expected to be in the dataset.


Grouping variables

Default: NULL

Permitted Values: list of variables created by exprs() e.g. exprs(USUBJID, VISIT)


Sort order

Within each by group the observations are ordered by the specified order.

Permitted Values: list of expressions created by exprs(), e.g., exprs(ADT, desc(AVAL))


Selection mode (first or last)

If "first" is specified, the first observation of each by group is included in the output dataset. If "last" is specified, the last observation of each by group is included in the output dataset.

Permitted Values: "first", "last"


Check uniqueness?

If "warning" or "error" is specified, the specified message is issued if the observations of the input dataset are not unique with respect to the by variables and the order.

Default: "warning"

Permitted Values: "none", "warning", "error"


For each group (with respect to the variables specified for the by_vars parameter) the first or last observation (with respect to the order specified for the order parameter and the mode specified for the mode parameter) is included in the output dataset.

See Also

Utilities for Filtering Observations: count_vals(), filter_exist(), filter_joined(), filter_not_exist(), filter_relative(), max_cond(), min_cond()


Run this code
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

ex <- tribble(
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "01-1442",      1,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "01-1442",      2,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "01-1442",      3,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "01-1444",      1,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "01-1444",      2,      81,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "05-1382",      1,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "08-1213",      1,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "10-1053",      1,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "10-1053",      2,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "10-1183",      1,       0, "PLACEBO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "10-1183",      2,       0, "PLACEBO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "10-1183",      3,       0, "PLACEBO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "11-1036",      1,       0, "PLACEBO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "11-1036",      2,       0, "PLACEBO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "11-1036",      3,       0, "PLACEBO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "14-1425",      1,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "15-1319",      1,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "15-1319",      2,      81,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "16-1151",      1,      54,    "XANO",
  "PILOT01",    "EX", "16-1151",      2,      54,    "XANO"

# Select first dose for each patient
ex %>%
    by_vars = exprs(USUBJID),
    order = exprs(EXSEQ),
    mode = "first"
  ) %>%
  select(USUBJID, EXSEQ)

# Select highest dose for each patient on the active drug
ex %>%
  filter(EXTRT != "PLACEBO") %>%
    by_vars = exprs(USUBJID),
    order = exprs(EXDOSE),
    mode = "last",
    check_type = "none"
  ) %>%

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab