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restrict_imputed_dtc_dt: Restrict Imputed DTC date to Minimum/Maximum Dates


Restrict Imputed DTC date to Minimum/Maximum Dates


restrict_imputed_dtc_dt(dtc, imputed_dtc, min_dates, max_dates)


  • The last of the minimum dates (min_dates) which are in the range of the partial DTC date (dtc)

  • The first of the maximum dates (max_dates) which are in the range of the partial DTC date (dtc)

  • imputed_dtc if the partial DTC date (dtc) is not in range of any of the minimum or maximum dates.



The '--DTC' date to impute

A character date is expected in a format like yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss. Trailing components can be omitted and - is a valid "missing" value for any component.


The imputed DTC date


Minimum dates

A list of dates is expected. It is ensured that the imputed date is not before any of the specified dates, e.g., that the imputed adverse event start date is not before the first treatment date. Only dates which are in the range of possible dates of the dtc value are considered. The possible dates are defined by the missing parts of the dtc date (see example below). This ensures that the non-missing parts of the dtc date are not changed. A date or date-time object is expected. For example

  min_dates = list(
  highest_imputation = "M"

returns "2020-11-11T11:11:11" because the possible dates for "2020-11" range from "2020-11-01T00:00:00" to "2020-11-30T23:59:59". Therefore "2020-12-06T12:12:12" is ignored. Returning "2020-12-06T12:12:12" would have changed the month although it is not missing (in the dtc date).


Maximum dates

A list of dates is expected. It is ensured that the imputed date is not after any of the specified dates, e.g., that the imputed date is not after the data cut off date. Only dates which are in the range of possible dates are considered. A date or date-time object is expected.

See Also

impute_dtc_dtm(), impute_dtc_dt()

Utilities used for date imputation: dt_level(), dtm_level(), get_imputation_target_date(), get_imputation_target_time(), get_partialdatetime(), restrict_imputed_dtc_dtm()