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kdfun: Multiscale second-order neighbourhood analysis of a spatial phylogenetic or functional community pattern from fully mapped data


Computes distance-dependent estimates of Shen et al. (2014) phylogenetic or functional mark correlation functions from a multivariate spatial point pattern in a simple (rectangular or circular) or complex sampling window. Computes optionally local confidence limits of the functions under the null hypothesis of species equivalence (see Details).


kdfun(p, upto, by, dis, nsim=0, alpha = 0.01)


A list of class "fads" with essentially the following components:


a vector of regularly spaced out distances (seq(by,upto,by)).


a data frame containing values of the function \(gd(r)\).


a data frame containing values of the function \(Kd(r)\).

Each component except r is a data frame with the following variables:


a vector of estimated values for the observed point pattern.


a vector of theoretical values expected under the null hypothesis of species equivalence.


(optional) if nsim>0 a vector of the upper local confidence limits of a random distribution of the null hypothesis at a significant level \(\alpha\).


(optional) if nsim>0 a vector of the lower local confidence limits of a random distribution of the null hypothesis at a significant level \(\alpha\).


(optional) if nsim>0 a vector of local p-values of departure from the null hypothesis.



a "spp" object defining a spatial point pattern in a given sampling window (see spp).


maximum radius of the sample circles (see Details).


interval length between successive sample circles radii (see Details).


a "dist" object defining Euclidean distances between species.


number of Monte Carlo simulations to estimate local confidence limits of the null hypothesis of a random allocation of species distances (species equivalence; see Details). By default nsim = 0, so that no confidence limits are computed.


if nsim>0, significant level of the confidence limits. By default \(\alpha = 0.01\).


Function kdfun computes Shen et al. (2014) \(Kd\) and gd-functions. For a multivariate point pattern consisting of \(S\) species with intensity \(\lambda\)p, such functions can be estimated from the bivariate \(Kpq\)-functions between each pair of different species \(p\) and \(q\). Function kdfun is thus a simple wrapper of k12fun (P?Pelissier & Goreaud 2014):

\(Kd(r) = D * Kr(r) / HD * Ks(r) = D * sum(\lambda p * \lambda q * Kpq(r) * dpq) / HD * sum(\lambda p * \lambda q * Kpq(r))\).
\(gd(r) = D * g(r) / HD * gs(r) = D * sum(\lambda p * \lambda q * gpq(r) * dpq) / HD * sum(\lambda p * \lambda q * gpq(r))\).

where \(Ks(r)\) and \(gs(r)\) are distance-dependent versions of Simpson's diversity index, \(D\) (see ksfun), \(Kr(r)\) and \(gr(r)\) are distance-dependent versions of Rao's diversity coefficient (see krfun); \(dpq\) is the distance between species \(p\) and \(q\) defined by matrix dis, typically a taxonomic, phylogenetic or functional distance. The advantage here is that as the edge effects vanish between \(Kr(r)\) and \(Ks(r)\), implementation is fast for a sampling window of any shape. \(Kd(r)\) provides the expected phylogenetic or functional distance of two heterospecific individuals a distance less than r apart (Shen et al. 2014), while \(gd(r)\) provides the same within an annuli between two consecutive distances of r and r-by.

Theoretical values under the null hypothesis of species equivalence as well as local Monte Carlo confidence limits and p-values of departure from the null hypothesis (Besag & Diggle 1977) are estimated at each distance \(r\), by randomizing the between-species distances, keeping the point locations and distribution of species labels unchanged. The theoretical expectations of \(gd(r)\) and \(Kd(r)\) are thus \(1\).


Shen, G., Wiegand, T., Mi, X. & He, F. (2014). Quantifying spatial phylogenetic structures of fully stem-mapped plant communities. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 1132-1141.

P?Pelissier, R. & Goreaud, F. ads package for R: A fast unbiased implementation of the K-function family for studying spatial point patterns in irregular-shaped sampling windows. Journal of Statistical Software, in press.

See Also

plot.fads, spp, ksfun, krfun, divc.