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swin: Creating a sampling window


Function swin creates an object of class "swin", which represents the sampling window (or study region) in which a spatial point pattern was observed. The ads library supports simple (rectangular or circular) and complex sampling windows.


swin(window, triangles)


An object of class "swin" describing the sampling window. It may be of four different types with different arguments:


a vector of two character strings defining the type of sampling window among c("simple","rectangle"), c("simple","circle"), c("complex","rectangle") or c("complex","circle").


(optional) coordinates of the origin and the opposite corner for a rectangular sampling window (see details).


(optional) coordinates of the centre and radius for a circular sampling window (see details).


(optional) vertices coordinates of triangles for a complex sampling window (see details).



a vector defining the limits of a simple sampling window: c(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) for a rectangle ; c(x0,y0,r0) for a circle.


(optional) a list of triangles removed from a simple initial window to define a complex sampling window (see Details).



a "owin" object from package spatstat.geom.


A sampling window may be of simple or complex type. A simple sampling window may be a rectangle or a circle. A complex sampling window is defined by removing triangular surfaces from a simple (rectangular or circular) initial sampling window.

  • rectangular window: window=c(ximn,ymin,xmax,ymax) a vector of length 4 giving the coordinates \((ximn,ymin)\) and \((xmax,ymax)\) of the origin and the opposite corner of a rectangle.

  • circular window: window=c(x0,y0,r0) a vector of length 3 giving the coordinates \((x0,y0)\) of the centre and the radius \(r0\) of a circle.

  • complex window: triangles is a list of 6 variables giving the vertices coordinates
    \((ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy)\) of the triangles to remove from a simple (rectangular or circular) initial window. The triangles may be removed near the boundary of a rectangular window in order to design a polygonal sampling window, or within a rectangle or a circle, to delineating holes in the initial sampling window (see Examples). The triangles do not overlap each other, nor overlap boundary of the initial sampling window. Any polygon (possibly with holes) can be decomposed into contiguous triangles using triangulate.


Goreaud, F. and P?Pelissier, R. 1999. On explicit formula of edge effect correction for Ripley's K-function. Journal of Vegetation Science, 10:433-438.

See Also

area.swin, inside.swin, spp