mas5calls.AffyBatch(object, ids = NULL, verbose = TRUE, tau = 0.015, alpha1 = 0.04, alpha2 = 0.06, ignore.saturated=TRUE)
mas5calls.ProbeSet(object, tau = 0.015, alpha1 = 0.04, alpha2 = 0.06, ignore.saturated=TRUE)
mas5.detection(mat, tau = 0.015, alpha1 = 0.04, alpha2 = 0.06, exact.pvals = FALSE, cont.correct = FALSE)
or ProbeSet
, status of processing is reported.mas5.detect
returns a list containing the following components:
method for AffyBatch
returns an
with calls accessible with exprs(obj)
and p-values available with assayData(obj)[["se.exprs"]]
. The
code mas5calls
for ProbeSet
returns a list with vectors
of calls and p-values.
H0: median(Ri) = tau, corresponding to absence of transcript H1: median(Ri) > tau, corresponding to presence of transcript
where Ri = (PMi - MMi) / (PMi + MMi) for each i a probe-pair in the probe-set represented by data.
Currently exact.pvals=TRUE is not supported, and cont.correct=TRUE works but does not give great results (so both should be left as FALSE). The defaults for tau, alpha1 and alpha2 correspond to those in MAS5.0.
The p-value that is returned estimates the usual quantity:
Pr(observing a more "present looking" probe-set than data | data is absent)
So that small p-values imply presence while large ones imply absence of transcript. The detection call is computed by thresholding the p-value as in:
call "P" if p-value < alpha1 call "M" if alpha1 <= p-value="" <="" alpha2="" call="" "a"="" if="">
This implementation has been validated against the original MAS5.0 implementation with the following results (for exact.pvals and cont.correct set to F):
Average Relative Change from MAS5.0 p-values:38% Proportion of calls different to MAS5.0 calls:1.0%
where "average/proportion" means over all probe-sets and arrays, where the data came from 11 bacterial control probe-sets spiked-in over a range of concentrations (from 0 to 150 pico-mols) over 26 arrays. These are the spike-in data from the GeneLogic Concentration Series Spikein Dataset.
Clearly the p-values computed here differ from those computed by MAS5.0 --
this will be improved in subsequent releases of the affy package. However
the p-value discrepancies are small enough to result in the call being very
closely aligned with those of MAS5.0 (99 percent
were identical on the validation
set) -- so this implementation will still be of use.
The function mas5.detect
is no longer the engine function for the
others. C code is no available that computes the Wilcox test faster. The
function is kept so that people can look at the R code (instead of C).
Liu, W. and Mei, R. and Bartell, D. M. and Di, X. and Webster, T. A. and Ryder, T. (2001) Rank-based algorithms for analysis of microarrays, Proceedings of SPIE, Microarrays: Optical Technologies and Informatics, 4266.
Affymetrix (2002) Statistical Algorithms Description Document, Affymetrix Inc., Santa Clara, CA, whitepaper.,
if (require(affydata)) {
PACalls <- mas5calls(Dilution)
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