but can hypothetically run by itself if the romer
step has
already been done.outputRomer(rsltlst, genesetlst, eset, fit, design = NULL, contrast = NULL,
changenames = TRUE, dir = "genesets", explanation = NULL,
baseline.hmap = TRUE, file = "indexRomer.html", affy = TRUE, ...)
function. See discussion for more information.ExpressionSet
containing normalized, summarized
gene expression data.MArrayLM
object, containing the fitted data.FALSE
, the sampleNames will be used.NULL
, a generic paragraph will be placed at the
top of the indexRomer.html page, giving a brief explanation of the analysis.
Alternatively, this can be replaced with other text. Please note that this
text should conform to HTML standards (e.g., will be pasted into the HTML
document as-is, so should contain any required HTML markup).TRUE
, then the resulting heatmaps
will be centered by subtracting the mean of the baseline sample. As an
example, in a contrast of treatment A - treatment B, the mean of the
treatment B samples will be subtracted. The heatmap colors then represent
the fold change between the A and B samples.TRUE
, then
thre will be links generated in the HTML table to the netaffx site.geneSetPage
, dataAndHeatmapPage
and gsHeatmap
available arguments.runRomer
However, it is possible that runRomer
errored out after saving the
results from running romer
on a set of contrasts, and all that
remains is to create the output HTML.Please note that the first two arguments to this function have certain
expectations. The rsltlst should be the output from running
. If using the saved output from runRomer
, one
should first load
the 'romer.Rdata' file, which will introduce a list
object with the name 'romerlst' into the working directory, so the first
argument should be rsltlst = romerlst.
Second, see the code for runRomer, specifically the line that creates the 'sets' object, which will show how to create the correct genesetlst object.