logfteta2d <- function(eta,y) {
# eta is now (eta1,eta2)
# y is now (y1,y2)
n <- length(y)
n1 <- ceiling(n/2)
n2 <- floor(n/2)
y1 <- y[1:n1]
y2 <- y[(n1+1):(n1+n2)]
eta1 <- eta[1]
eta2 <- eta[2]
sum(y1) * eta1 - (length(y1) + 1) * exp(eta1) - sum(lgamma(y1+1)) + eta1 +
sum(y2) * eta2 - (length(y2) + 1) * exp(eta2) - sum(lgamma(y2+1)) + eta2
n1 <- 5
n2 <- 5
n <- n1+n2
y1 <- rpois(n1,5)
y2 <- rpois(n2,5)
objfunc2d <- function(x) logfteta2d(x,c(y1,y2))
funlist2d <- list(
fn = objfunc2d,
gr = function(x) numDeriv::grad(objfunc2d,x),
he = function(x) numDeriv::hessian(objfunc2d,x)
thequadrature <- aghq(funlist2d,3,c(0,0))
# Summarize and automatically call its print() method when called interactively:
# or, compute the summary and save for further processing:
ss <- summary(thequadrature)
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