Potato minituber production in greenhouse, three sets of data in potato varieties
with different methods: hydroponics, Aeroponic, Pots and Plant beds,
the unit is in grams and the number of tubers in units,
greenhouse is list, three tables: greenhouse1(480 obs, 5 var), yield for plant, unit is grams.
greenhouse2(48 obs, 5 var), Yields of 10 plants by experimental unit(grams). planting date(April 24, 2004) and harvest date(July 16, 2004) and
greenhouse3(480 obs, 5 var), Tubers by plants.
- Produccion de semila de papa por hidroponia tecnica de flujo continuo de una pelicula de solucion nutritiva (nft)
Carlos Chuquillanqui(CIP), Jorge Tenorio(CIP) and L. F. Salazar(Agdia Inc). AGROENFOQUE Lima-Peru (2004)
- Potato Minituber Production Using Aeroponics: Effect of Plant Density and Harvesting Intervals
American Journal of Potato Research, Jan/Feb 2006 by Farran, Imma, Mingo-Castel, Angel M