if (FALSE) {
dat <- besag.met
desplot(dat, yield ~ col*row|county,
aspect=36/11, # true aspect
out1=rep, out2=block,
# Average reps
datm <- aggregate(yield ~ county + gen, data=dat, FUN=mean)
# Sections below fit heteroskedastic variance models (variance for each variety)
# asreml takes 1 second, lme 73 seconds, SAS PROC MIXED 30 minutes
# lme
# libs(nlme)
# m1l <- lme(yield ~ -1 + gen, data=datm, random=~1|county,
# weights = varIdent(form=~ 1|gen))
# m1l$sigma^2 * c(1, coef(m1l$modelStruct$varStruct, unc = FALSE))^2
## G02 G03 G04 G05 G06 G07 G08
## 91.90 210.75 63.03 112.05 28.39 237.36 72.72 42.97
## ... etc ...
if(require("asreml", quietly=TRUE)) {
libs(asreml, lucid)
# Average reps
datm <- aggregate(yield ~ county + gen, data=dat, FUN=mean)
# asreml Using 'rcov' ALWAYS requires sorting the data
datm <- datm[order(datm$gen),]
m1 <- asreml(yield ~ gen, data=datm,
random = ~ county,
residual = ~ dsum( ~ units|gen))
## effect component std.error z.ratio bound
## county 1324 836.1 1.6 P 0.2
## gen_G01!R 91.98 58.91 1.6 P 0.1
## gen_G02!R 210.6 133.6 1.6 P 0.1
## gen_G03!R 63.06 40.58 1.6 P 0.1
## gen_G04!R 112.1 71.59 1.6 P 0.1
## gen_G05!R 28.35 18.57 1.5 P 0.2
## gen_G06!R 237.4 150.8 1.6 P 0
# We get the same results from asreml & lme
# plot(m1$vparameters[-1],
# m1l$sigma^2 * c(1, coef(m1l$modelStruct$varStruct, unc = FALSE))^2)
# The following example shows how to construct a GxE biplot
# from the FA2 model.
dat <- besag.met
dat <- transform(dat, xf=factor(col), yf=factor(row))
dat <- dat[order(dat$county, dat$xf, dat$yf), ]
# First, AR1xAR1
m1 <- asreml(yield ~ county, data=dat,
random = ~ gen:county,
residual = ~ dsum( ~ ar1(xf):ar1(yf)|county))
# Add FA1
m2 <- update(m1, random=~gen:fa(county,1)) # rotate.FA=FALSE
# FA2
m3 <- update(m2, random=~gen:fa(county,2))
m3 <- update(m3, maxit=50)
# Use the loadings to make a biplot
vars <- vc(m3)
psi <- vars[grepl("!var$", vars$effect), "component"]
la1 <- vars[grepl("!fa1$", vars$effect), "component"]
la2 <- vars[grepl("!fa2$", vars$effect), "component"]
mat <- as.matrix(data.frame(psi, la1, la2))
# I tried using rotate.fa=FALSE, but it did not seem to
# give orthogonal vectors. Rotate by hand.
rot <- svd(mat[,-1])$v # rotation matrix
lam <- mat[,-1]
colnames(lam) <- c("load1", "load2")
co3 <- coef(m3)$random # Scores are the GxE coefficients
ix1 <- grepl("_Comp1$", rownames(co3))
ix2 <- grepl("_Comp2$", rownames(co3))
sco <- matrix(c(co3[ix1], co3[ix2]), ncol=2, byrow=FALSE)
sco <- sco
dimnames(sco) <- list(levels(dat$gen) , c('load1','load2'))
rownames(lam) <- levels(dat$county)
sco[,1:2] <- -1 * sco[,1:2]
lam[,1:2] <- -1 * lam[,1:2]
biplot(sco, lam, cex=.5, main="FA2 coefficient biplot (asreml)")
# G variance matrix
gvar <- lam
# Now get predictions and make an ordinary biplot
p3 <- predict(m3, data=dat, classify="county:gen")
p3 <- p3$pvals
bi3 <- gge(p3, predicted.value ~ gen*county, scale=FALSE)
if(interactive()) dev.new()
# Very similar to the coefficient biplot
biplot(bi3, stand=FALSE, main="SVD biplot of FA2 predictions")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab