if (FALSE) {
dat <- brandt.switchback
# In each period, treatment 2 is slightly higher
# bwplot(yield~trt|period,dat, layout=c(3,1), main="brandt.switchback",
# xlab="Treatment", ylab="Milk yield")
# Yield at period 2 (trt T2) is above the trend in group A,
# below the trend (trt T1) in group B.
# Equivalently, treatment T2 is above the trend line
xyplot(yield~period|group, data=dat, group=cow, type=c('l','r'),
auto.key=list(columns=5), main="brandt.switchback",
xlab="Period. Group A: T1,T2,T1. Group B: T2,T1,T2",
ylab="Milk yield (observed and trend) per cow")
# Similar to Brandt Table 10
m1 <- aov(yield~period+group+cow:group+period:group, data=dat)
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