dat <- connolly.potato
# Field plan
desplot(dat, yield~col*row,
out1=rep, # aspect unknown
main="connolly.potato yields (reps not contiguous)")
# Later maturities are higher yielding
bwplot(yield~matur, dat, main="connolly.potato yield by maturity")
# Observed raw means. Matches Connolly table 2.
mn <- aggregate(yield~gen, data=dat, FUN=mean)
# Create a covariate which is the average of neighboring plot yields
mat <- acast(dat, row~col, value.var='yield')
mat2 <- matrix(NA, nrow=4, ncol=20)
mat2[,2:19] <- (mat[ , 1:18] + mat[ , 3:20])/2
mat2[ , 1] <- (mat[ , 1] + apply(mat, 1, mean))/2
mat2[ , 20] <- (mat[ , 20] + apply(mat, 1, mean))/2
dat2 <- melt(mat2)
colnames(dat2) <- c('row','col','cov')
dat <- merge(dat, dat2)
# xyplot(yield ~ cov, data=dat, type=c('p','r'))
# Connolly et al fit a model with avg neighbor yield as a covariate
m1 <- lm(yield ~ 0 + gen + rep + cov, data=dat)
coef(m1)['cov'] # = -.303 (Connolly obtained -.31)
# Block names and effects
bnm <- c("R1","R2","R3","R4")
beff <- c(0, coef(m1)[c('repR2','repR3','repR4')])
# Variety names and effects
vnm <- paste0("V", formatC(1:20, width=2, flag='0'))
veff <- coef(m1)[1:20]
# Adjust yield for variety and block effects
dat <- transform(dat, yadj = yield - beff[match(rep,bnm)]
- veff[match(gen,vnm)])
# Similar to Connolly Fig 1. Point pattern doesn't quite match
xyplot(yadj~cov, data=dat, type=c('p','r'),
xlab="Avg yield of nearest neighbors",
ylab="Yield, adjusted for variety and block effects")
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