if (FALSE) {
dat <- eden.nonnormal
mean(dat$height) # 55.23 matches Eden table 1
# Eden figure 2
libs(dplyr, lattice)
# Blocks had different means, so substract block mean from each datum
dat <- group_by(dat, block)
dat <- mutate(dat, blkmn=mean(height))
dat <- transform(dat, dev=height-blkmn)
histogram( ~ dev, data=dat, breaks=seq(from=-40, to=30, by=2.5),
xlab="Deviations from block means",
main="eden.nonnormal - heights skewed left")
# calculate skewness, permutation
libs(dplyr, lattice, latticeExtra)
# Eden table 1
# anova(aov(height ~ factor(block), data=dat))
# Eden table 2,3. Note, this may be a different definition of skewness
# than is commonly used today (e.g. e1071::skewness).
skew <- function(x){
n <- length(x)
x <- x - mean(x)
s1 = sum(x)
s2 = sum(x^2)
s3 = sum(x^3)
k3=n/((n-1)*(n-2)) * s3 -3/n*s2*s1 + 2/n^2 * s1^3
# Negative values indicate data are skewed left
dat <- group_by(dat, block)
summarize(dat, s1=sum(height),s2=sum(height^2), mean2=var(height), k3=skew(height))
## block s1 s2 mean2 k3
## 1 1 1682.0 95929.5 242.56048 -1268.5210
## 2 2 1858.0 111661.5 121.97984 -1751.9919
## 3 3 1809.5 108966.8 214.36064 -3172.5284
## 4 4 1912.0 121748.5 242.14516 -2548.2194
## 5 5 1722.0 99026.5 205.20565 -559.0629
## 6 6 1339.0 63077.0 227.36190 -801.2740
## 7 7 1963.0 123052.5 84.99093 -713.2595
## 8 8 1854.0 112366.0 159.67339 -1061.9919
# Another way to view skewness with qq plot. Panel 3 most skewed.
qqmath( ~ dev|factor(block), data=dat,
ylab="Deviations from block means",
panel = function(x, ...) {
panel.qqmathline(x, ...)
panel.qqmath(x, ...)
# Now, permutation test.
# Eden: "By a process of amalgamation the eight sets of 32 observations were
# reduced to eight sets of four and the data treated as a potential
# layout for a 32-plot trial".
dat2 <- transform(dat, grp = rep(1:4, each=8))
dat2 <- aggregate(height ~ grp+block, dat2, sum)
dat2$trt <- rep(letters[1:4], 8)
dat2$block <- factor(dat2$block)
# Treatments were assigned at random 1000 times
fobs <- rep(NA, 1000)
for(i in 1:1000){
# randomize treatments within each block
# trick from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25085537
dat2$trt <- with(dat2, ave(trt, block, FUN = sample))
fobs[i] <- anova(aov(height ~ block + trt, dat2))["trt","F value"]
# F distribution with 3,21 deg freedom
# Similar to Eden's figure 4, but on a different horizontal scale
xval <- seq(from=0,to=max(fobs), length=50)
yval <- df(xval, df1 = 3, df2 = 21)
# Re-scale, 10 = max of historgram, 0.7 = max of density
histogram( ~ fobs, breaks=xval,
xlab="F value",
main="Observed (histogram) & theoretical (line) F values") +
xyplot((10/.7)* yval ~ xval, type="l", lwd=2)
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