if (FALSE) {
dat <- fox.wheat
# Means of varieties. Slight differences from Fox and Rathjen suggest
# they had more decimals of precision than shown.
tapply(dat$yield, dat$gen, mean)
# Calculate genotype means, merge into the data
genm <- tapply(dat$yield, dat$gen, mean)
dat$genm <- genm[match(dat$gen, names(genm))]
# Calculate slopes for each site. Matches Fox, Table 2, Col A.
m1 <- lm(yield~site+site:genm, data=dat)
sort(round(coef(m1)[15:28],2), dec=TRUE)
# Figure 1 of Fox
xyplot(yield~genm|state, data=dat, type=c('p','r'), group=site,
main="fox.wheat", xlab="Variety mean across all sites",
ylab="Variety yield at each site within states")
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