if (FALSE) {
dat <- harris.wateruse
# Compare to Schabenberger & Pierce, fig 7.23
useOuterStrips(xyplot(water ~ day|species*age,dat, as.table=TRUE,
group=tree, type=c('p','smooth'),
main="harris.wateruse 2 species, 2 ages (10 trees each)"))
# Note that measurements on day 268 are all below the trend line and
# thus considered outliers. Delete them.
dat <- subset(dat, day!=268)
# Schabenberger figure 7.24
xyplot(water ~ day|tree,dat, subset=age=="A2" & species=="S2",
as.table=TRUE, type=c('p','smooth'),
ylab="Water use profiles of individual trees",
main="harris.wateruse (Age 2, Species 2)")
# Rescale day for nicer output, and convergence issues, add quadratic term
dat <- transform(dat, ti=day/100)
dat <- transform(dat, ti2=ti*ti)
# Start with a subgroup: age 2, species 2
d22 <- droplevels(subset(dat, age=="A2" & species=="S2"))
# ----- Model 1, for subgroup A2,S2
# First, a fixed quadratic that is common to all trees, plus
# a random quadratic deviation for each tree.
## Schabenberger, Output 7.26
## proc mixed;
## class tree;
## model water = ti ti*ti / s;
## random intercept ti ti*ti/subject=tree;
## We use pdDiag() to get uncorrelated random effects
m1n <- lme(water ~ 1 + ti + ti2, data=d22, na.action=na.omit,
random = list(tree=pdDiag(~1+ti+ti2)))
# lucid::vc(m1n)
## effect variance stddev
## (Intercept) 0.2691 0.5188
## ti 0 0.0000144
## ti2 0 0.0000039
## Residual 0.1472 0.3837
# Various other models with lme4 & asreml
libs(lme4, lucid)
m1l <- lmer(water ~ 1 + ti + ti2 + (1|tree) +
(0+ti|tree) + (0+ti2|tree), data=d22)
# lucid::vc(m1l)
## grp var1 var2 vcov sdcor
## tree (Intercept) 0.2691 0.5188
## tree.1 ti 0 0
## tree.2 ti2 0 0
## Residual 0.1472 0.3837
# Once the overall quadratic trend has been removed, there is not
# too much evidence for consecutive observations being correlated
## d22r <- subset(d22, !is.na(water))
## d22r$res <- resid(m1n)
## xyplot(res ~ day|tree,d22r,
## as.table=TRUE, type=c('p','smooth'),
## ylab="residual",
## main="harris.wateruse - Residuals of individual trees")
## op <- par(mfrow=c(4,3))
## tapply(d22r$res, d22r$tree, acf)
## par(op)
# ----- Model 2, add correlation of consecutive measurements
## Schabenberger (page 516) adds correlation.
## Note how the fixed quadratic model is on the "ti = day/100" scale
## and the correlated observations are on the "day" scale. The
## only impact this has on the fitted model is to increase the
## correlation parameter by a factor of 100, which was likely
## done to get better convergence.
## proc mixed data=age2sp2;
## class tree;
## model water = ti ti*ti / s ;
## random intercept /subject=tree s;
## repeated /subject=tree type=sp(exp)(day);
## Same as SAS, use ti for quadratic, day for correlation
m2l <- lme(water ~ 1 + ti + ti2, data=d22,
random = ~ 1|tree,
cor = corExp(form=~ day|tree),
m2l # Match output 7.27. Same fixef, ranef, variances, exp corr
# lucid::vc(m2l)
## effect variance stddev
## (Intercept) 0.2656 0.5154
## Residual 0.1541 0.3926
# ---
## Now use asreml. When I tried rcov=~tree:exp(ti),
## the estimated parameter value was on the 'boundary', i.e. 0.
## Changing rcov to the 'day' scale produced a sensible estimate
## that matched SAS.
## Note: SAS and asreml use different parameterizations for the correlation
## SAS uses exp(-d/phi) and asreml uses phi^d.
## SAS reports 3.79, asreml reports 0.77, and exp(-1/3.7945) = 0.7683274
## Note: normally a quadratic would be included as 'pol(day,2)'
if(require("asreml", quietly=TRUE)){
d22 <- d22[order(d22$tree, d22$day),]
m2a <- asreml(water ~ 1 + ti + ti2,
random = ~ tree,
## effect component std.error z.ratio constr
## tree!tree.var 0.2656 0.1301 2 pos
## R!variance 0.1541 0.01611 9.6 pos
## R!day.pow 0.7683 0.04191 18 uncon
# ----- Model 3. Full model for all species/ages. Schabenberger p. 518
## /* Continuous AR(1) autocorrelations included */
## proc mixed data=wateruse;
## class age species tree;
## model water = age*species age*species*ti age*species*ti*ti / noint s;
## random intercept ti / subject=age*species*tree s;
## repeated / subject=age*species*tree type=sp(exp)(day);
m3l <- lme(water ~ 0 + age:species + age:species:ti + age:species:ti2,
data=dat, na.action=na.omit,
random = list(tree=pdDiag(~1+ti)),
cor = corExp(form=~ day|tree) )
m3l # Match Schabenberger output 7.27. Same fixef, ranef, variances, exp corr
# lucid::vc(m3l)
## effect variance stddev
## (Intercept) 0.1549 0.3936
## ti 0.02785 0.1669
## Residual 0.16 0.4
# --- asreml
if(require("asreml", quietly=TRUE)){
dat <- dat[order(dat$tree,dat$day),]
m3a <- asreml(water ~ 0 + age:species + age:species:ti + age:species:ti2,
random = ~ age:species:tree + age:species:tree:ti,
residual = ~ tree:exp(day) )
# lucid::vc(m3a) # Note: day.pow = .8091 = exp(-1/4.7217)
## effect component std.error z.ratio constr
## age:species:tree!age.var 0.1549 0.07192 2.2 pos
## age:species:tree:ti!age.var 0.02785 0.01343 2.1 pos
## R!variance 0.16 0.008917 18 pos
## R!day.pow 0.8091 0.01581 51 uncon
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