if (FALSE) {
dat <- harrison.priors
d1 <- subset(dat, substance=="daidzein")
# Stack the data to 'tall' format and calculate empirical cdf
d1t <- with(d1, data.frame(xx = c(min, max), yy=c(1/(number+1), number/(number+1))))
# Harrison 2012 Example 4: Common prior distribution
# Harrison uses the minimum and maximum levels of daidzein from previous
# studies as the first and last order statistics of a lognormal
# distribution, and finds the best-fit lognormal distribution.
m0 <- mean(log(d1t$xx)) # 6.37
s0 <- sd(log(d1t$xx)) # .833
mod <- nls(yy ~ plnorm(xx, meanlog, sdlog), data=d1t,
start=list(meanlog=m0, sdlog=s0))
coef(mod) # Matches Harrison 2012
## meanlog sdlog
## 6.4187829 0.6081558
plot(yy~xx, data=d1t, xlim=c(0,2000), ylim=c(0,1),
main="harrison.priors - Common prior", xlab="daidzein level", ylab="CDF")
mlog <- coef(mod)[1] # 6.4
slog <- coef(mod)[2] # .61
xvals <- seq(0, 2000, length=100)
lines(xvals, plnorm(xvals, meanlog=mlog, sdlog=slog))
d1a <- d1
d1a$source <- as.character(d1a$source)
d1a[19,'source'] <- "(All)" # Add a blank row for the densitystrip
# Plot the range for each source, a density curve (with arbitary
# vertical scale) for the common prior distribution, and a density
# strip by stacking the individual bands and using transparency
segplot(factor(source) ~ min+max, d1a,
main="harrison.priors",xlab="daidzein level",ylab="source") +
xyplot(5000*dlnorm(xvals, mlog, slog)~xvals, type='l') +
segplot(factor(rep(1,18)) ~ min+max, d1, 4, level=d1$number,
col.regions="gray20", alpha=.1)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab