if (FALSE) {
# 1951 data. Fit the first REML model of Mohring 2011 Supplement.
dat1 <- subset(hayman.tobacco, year==1951)
# Hayman's model
# dat1 <- subset(hayman.tobacco, year==1951)
# libs(lmDiallel)
# m1 <- lm.diallel(day ~ male+female, Block=block, data=dat1, fct="HAYMAN2")
# anova(m1) # Similar to table 7 of Hayman 1954a
## Response: day
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Block 1 1.42 1.42 0.3416 0.56100
## Mean Dom. Dev. 1 307.97 307.97 73.8840 3.259e-12 ***
## GCA 7 2777.17 396.74 95.1805 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Dom. Dev. 7 341.53 48.79 11.7050 1.957e-09 ***
## SCA 20 372.89 18.64 4.4729 2.560e-06 ***
## RGCA 7 67.39 9.63 2.3097 0.03671 *
## RSCA 21 123.73 5.89 1.4135 0.14668
## Residuals 63 262.60
# Griffing's model
# https://www.statforbiology.com/2021/stat_met_diallel_griffing/
# dat1 <- subset(hayman.tobacco, year==1951)
# libs(lmDiallel)
# contrasts(dat1$block) <- "contr.sum"
# dmod1 and dmod2 are the same model with different syntax
# dmod1 <- lm(day ~ block + GCA(male, female) + tSCA(male, female) +
# REC(male, female) , data = dat1)
# dmod2 <- lm.diallel(day ~ male + female, Block=block,
# data = dat1, fct = "GRIFFING1")
# anova(dmod1)
# anova(dmod2)
## Response: day
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Block 1 1.42 1.42 0.3416 0.56100
## GCA 7 2777.17 396.74 95.1805 < 2.2e-16 ***
## SCA 28 1022.38 36.51 8.7599 6.656e-13 ***
## Reciprocals 28 191.12 6.83 1.6375 0.05369 .
## Residuals 63 262.60
# Make a factor 'comb' in which G1xG2 is the same cross as G2xG1
dat1 <- transform(dat1,
comb =
ifelse(as.character(male) < as.character(female),
paste0(male,female), paste0(female,male)))
# 'dr' is the direction of the cross, 0 for self
dat1$dr <- 1
dat1 <- transform(dat1,
dr = ifelse(as.character(male) < as.character(female), -1, dr))
dat1 <- transform(dat1,
dr = ifelse(as.character(male) == as.character(female), 0, dr))
# asreml r version 3 & 4 code for Mixed Griffing.
# Mohring Table 2, column 2 (after dividing by 10^2) gives variances:
# GCA 12.77, SCA 11.09, RSCA .65, Error 4.23.
# Mohring Supplement ASREML code part1 model is:
# y ~ mu r !r mother and(father) combination combination.dr
# Note that the levels of 'male' and 'female' are the same, so the
# and(female) term tells asreml to use the same levels (or, equivalently,
# fix the correlation of the male/female levels to be 1.
# The block effect is minimial and therefore ignored.
## libs(asreml, lucid)
## m1 <- asreml(day~1, data=dat1,
## random = ~ male + and(female) + comb + comb:dr)
## vc(m1)
## effect component std.error z.ratio con
## male!male.var 12.77 7.502 1.7 Positive
## comb!comb.var 11.11 3.353 3.3 Positive
## comb:dr!comb.var 0.6603 0.4926 1.3 Positive
## R!variance 4.185 0.7449 5.6 Positive
# ----------
# 1952 data. Reproduce table 3 and figure 2 of Hayman 1954b.
dat2 <- subset(hayman.tobacco, year==1952)
# Does flowering date follow a gamma distn? Maybe.
densityplot(~day, data=dat2, main="hayman.tobacco",
xlab="flowering date")
d1 <- subset(dat2, block=='B1')
d2 <- subset(dat2, block=='B2')
m1 <- acast(d1, male~female, value.var='day')
m2 <- acast(d2, male~female, value.var='day')
mn1 <- (m1+t(m1))/2
mn2 <- (m2+t(m2))/2
# Variance and covariance of 'rth' offspring
vr1 <- apply(mn1, 1, var)
vr2 <- apply(mn2, 1, var)
wr1 <- apply(mn1, 1, cov, diag(mn1))
wr2 <- apply(mn2, 1, cov, diag(mn2))
# Remove row names to prevent a mild warning
rownames(mn1) <- rownames(mn2) <- NULL
summ <- data.frame(rbind(mn1,mn2))
summ$block <- rep(c('B1','B2'), each=8)
summ$vr <- c(vr1,vr2)
summ$wr <- c(wr1,wr2)
summ$male <- rep(1:8,2) # Vr and Wr match Hayman table 3
with(summ, plot(wr~vr, type='n', main="hayman.tobacco"))
with(summ, text(vr, wr, male)) # Match Hayman figure 2
# Hayman notes that 1 and 3 do not lie along the line,
# so modifies them and re-analyzes.
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab