if (FALSE) {
dat <- keen.potatodamage
# Energy E1, Rod R4, Weight W1 have higher proportions of severe damage
# Rod 8 has the least damage
d2 <- xtabs(count~energy+rod+gen+weight+damage, data=dat)
mosaicplot(d2, color=c("lemonchiffon1","moccasin","lightsalmon1","indianred"),
xlab="Energy / Genotype", ylab="Rod / Weight", main="keen.potatodamage")
# Not run because CRAN prefers examples less than 5 seconds.
# Note, the clmm2 function can have only 1 random term. Results are
# similar to Keen & Engle, but necessarily different (they had multiple
# random terms).
m1 <- clmm2(damage ~ rod + energy + gen + weight, data=dat,
weights=count, random=rod:energy, link='probit')
## rodR2 rodR3 rodR4 rodR5 rodR6 rodR7 rodR8
## -1.19 -0.41 0.50 -1.46 -1.73 -1.67 -1.99
# Alternative
# m2 <- clmm(damage ~ rod + energy + gen + weight +
# (1|rod:energy), data=dat, weights=count, link='probit')
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab