if (FALSE) {
dat <- lehner.soybeanmold
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
hist(dat$mold, main="White mold incidence")
hist(dat$yield, main="Yield")
hist(dat$sclerotia, main="Sclerotia weight")
xyplot(yield ~ mold|study, dat, type=c('p','r'),
# xyplot(sclerotia ~ mold|study, dat, type=c('p','r'))
# meta-analysis. Could use metafor package to construct the forest plot,
# but latticeExtra is easy; ggplot is slow/clumsy
libs(latticeExtra, metafor)
# calculate correlation & confidence for each loc
cors <- split(dat, dat$study)
cors <- sapply(cors,
res <- cor.test(X$yield, X$mold)
c(res$estimate, res$parameter[1],
conf.low=res$conf.int[1], conf.high=res$conf.int[2])
cors <- as.data.frame(t(as.matrix(cors)))
cors$study <- rownames(cors)
# Fisher Z transform
cors <- transform(cors, ri = cor)
cors <- transform(cors, ni = df + 2)
cors <- transform(cors,
yi = 1/2 * log((1 + ri)/(1 - ri)),
vi = 1/(ni - 3))
# Overall correlation across studies
overall <- rma.uni(yi, vi, method="ML", data=cors) # metafor package
# back transform
overall <- predict(overall, transf=transf.ztor)
# weight and size for forest plot
wi <- 1/sqrt(cors$vi)
size <- 0.5 + 3.0 * (wi - min(wi))/(max(wi) - min(wi))
# now the forest plot
# must use latticeExtra::layer in case ggplot2 is also loaded
segplot(factor(study) ~ conf.low+conf.high, data=cors,
draw.bands=FALSE, level=size, centers=ri, cex=size,
col.regions=colorRampPalette(c("gray85", "dodgerblue4")),
main="White mold vs. soybean yield",
xlab=paste("Study correlation, confidence, and study weight (blues)\n",
"Overall (black)"),
ylab="Study ID") +
latticeExtra::layer(panel.abline(v=overall$pred, lwd=2)) +
latticeExtra::layer(panel.abline(v=c(overall$cr.lb, overall$cr.ub), lty=2, col="gray"))
# Meta-analyses are typically used when the original data is not available.
# Since the original data is available, a mixed model is probably better.
m1 <- lmer(yield ~ mold # overall slope
+ (1+mold |study), # random intercept & slope per study
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab