if (FALSE) {
dat <- lillemo.wheat
# Change factor levels to match Lillemo
dat$env <- as.character(dat$env)
dat$env <- factor(dat$env,
# Interesting look at different measurement scales by environment
qqmath(~score|env, dat, group=scale,
as.table=TRUE, scales=list(y=list(relation="free")),
main="lillemo.wheat - QQ plots by environment")
# Change data to matrix format
datm <- acast(dat, gen~env, value.var='score')
# Environment means. Matches Lillemo Table 3
apply(datm, 2, mean)
# Two different transforms within envts to approximate 0-9 scale
datt <- datm
datt[,"CA03"] <- 1.8 * datt[,"CA03"]
ix <- c("Ba04","Kh06","Gl05","BT06","Ha03","Ha04","Ha05","Ha07","Aa03","Aa04","Aa05")
datt[,ix] <- apply(datt[,ix],2,sqrt)
# Genotype means of transformed data. Matches Lillemo table 3.
# Biplot of transformed data like Lillemo Fig 2
biplot(gge(datt, scale=FALSE), main="lillemo.wheat")
# Median polish of transformed table
m1 <- medpolish(datt)
# Half-normal prob plot like Fig 1
# libs(faraway)
# halfnorm(abs(as.vector(m1$resid)))
# Nonparametric stability statistics. Lillemo Table 4.
huehn <- function(mat){
# Gen in rows, Env in cols
nenv <- ncol(mat)
# Corrected yield. Remove genotype effects
# Remove the following line to match Table 4 of Lillemo
mat <- sweep(mat, 1, rowMeans(mat)) + mean(mat)
# Ranks in each environment
rmat <- apply(mat, 2, rank)
# Mean genotype rank across envts
MeanRank <- apply(rmat, 1, mean)
# Huehn S1
gfun <- function(x){
oo <- outer(x,x,"-")
sum(abs(oo)) # sum of all absolute pairwise differences
S1 <- apply(rmat, 1, gfun)/(nenv*(nenv-1))
# Huehn S2
S2 <- apply((rmat-MeanRank)^2,1,sum)/(nenv-1)
out <- data.frame(MeanRank,S1,S2)
rownames(out) <- rownames(mat)
round(huehn(datm),2) # Matches table 4
# I do not think phenability package gives correct values for S1
# libs(phenability)
# nahu(datm)
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