if (FALSE) {
dat <- lucas.switchback
# Create a numeric period variable
dat$per <- as.numeric(substring(dat$period,2))
xyplot(yield ~ period|block, data=dat, group=cow, type=c('l','r'),
main="lucas.switchback - (actually uniformity data)")
# Need to use 'terms' to preserve the order of the model terms
# Really, cow(block), per:cow(block), period(block)
m1 <- aov(terms(yield ~ block + cow:block + per:cow:block +
period:block + trt, keep.order=TRUE), data=dat)
anova(m1) # Match Sanders & Gaynor table 3
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## block 2 30.93 15.464 55.345 5.132e-05 ***
## block:cow 9 1700.97 188.997 676.426 1.907e-09 ***
## block:cow:per 12 120.47 10.040 35.932 4.137e-05 ***
## block:period 3 14.85 4.950 17.717 0.001194 **
## trt 2 1.58 0.789 2.825 0.126048
## Residuals 7 1.96 0.279
coef(m1) # trtT2 and trtT3 match Sanders table 3 trt diffs
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