if (FALSE) {
dat <- verbyla.lupin
# The same RCB randomization was used at all sites in each year
desplot(dat, gen~col+row|site,
out1=rep, num=rate,
# aspect unknown
main="verbyla.lupin - experiment design")
# Figure 3 of Verbyla
foo <- xyplot(yield ~ rate|loc*gen, data=dat, subset=year==92,
type=c('p','smooth'), cex=.5,
main="verbyla.lupin: 1992 yield response curves",
xlab="Seed rate (plants/m^2)",
ylab="Yield (tons/ha)",
libs(latticeExtra) # for useOuterStrips
# ----------
if(require("asreml", quietly=TRUE)){
# We try to reproduce the analysis of Verbyla 1999.
# May not be exactly the same, but is pretty close.
# Check nlevels for size of random-coefficient structures
# length(with(dat, table(gen))) # 9 varieties for RC1
# length(with(dat, table(gen,site))) # 99 site:gen combinations for RC2
# Make row and col into factors
dat <- transform(dat, colf=factor(col), rowf=factor(row))
# sort for asreml
dat <- dat[order(dat$site, dat$rowf, dat$colf),]
# Make site names more useful for plots
# dat <- transform(dat, site=factor(paste0(year,".",substring(loc,1,4))))
# Initial model from top of Verbyla table 9.
m0 <- asreml(yield ~ 1
+ site
+ linrate
+ site:linrate,
data = dat,
random = ~ spl(rate)
+ dev(rate)
+ site:spl(rate)
+ site:dev(rate)
+ str(~gen+gen:linrate, ~us(2):id(9)) # RC1
+ gen:spl(rate)
+ gen:dev(rate)
+ str(~site:gen+site:gen:linrate, ~us(2):id(99)) # RC2
+ site:gen:spl(rate)
+ site:gen:dev(rate),
residual = ~ dsum( ~ ar1(rowf):ar1(colf)|site) # Spatial AR1 x AR1
m0 <- update(m0)
m0 <- update(m0)
m0 <- update(m0)
m0 <- update(m0)
m0 <- update(m0)
# Variograms match Verbyla 1999 figure 7 (scale slightly different)
plot(varioGram(m0), xlim=c(1:19), zlim=c(0,2),
main="verbyla.lupin - variogram by site")
# Sequence of models in Verbyla 1999 table 10
m1 <- update(m0, fixed= ~ .
+ at(site, c(2,5,6,8,9,10)):lincol
+ at(site, c(3,5,7,8)):linrow
+ at(site, c(2,3,5,7,8,9,11)):serp
, random = ~ .
+ at(site, c(3,6,7,9)):rowf
+ at(site, c(1,2,3,9,10)):colf
+ at(site, c(5,7,8,10)):units)
m1 <- update(m1)
m2 <- update(m1,
random = ~ .
- site:gen:spl(rate) - site:gen:dev(rate))
m3 <- update(m2,
random = ~ .
- site:dev(rate) - gen:dev(rate))
m4 <- update(m3,
random = ~ .
- dev(rate))
m5 <- update(m4,
random = ~ .
- at(site, c(5,7,8,10)):units + at(site, c(5,7,8)):units)
# Variance components are a pretty good match to Verbyla 1997, table 15
.001004/sqrt(.005446*.0003662) # .711 correlation for RC1
.00175/sqrt(.01881*.000167) # .987 correlation for RC2
# Matches Verbyla 1999 figure 5
main="verbyla.lupin - final model variograms",
xlim=c(1:19), zlim=c(0,1.5))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab