The function uses graphviz via DiagrammeR. For details on styling, refer to these.
Visualize(ahpTree, criteriaNodesStyle = list(style = "filled,rounded", shape =
"box", color = "honeydew4", fillcolor = "honeydew", penwidth = 4, fontname =
"helvetica", fontcolor = "black"), alternativeNodesStyle = list(style =
"filled,rounded", shape = "box", color = "thistle4", fillcolor = "thistle",
penwidth = 4, fontname = "helvetica"), criteriaEdgesStyle = list(arrowhead =
"vee", color = "grey35", penwidth = 2), alternativeEdgesStyle = list(dir =
"none", color = "grey35", penwidth = 2))GetGraph(ahpTree, criteriaNodesStyle = list(style = "filled,rounded", shape =
"box", color = "honeydew4", fillcolor = "honeydew", penwidth = 4, fontname =
"helvetica"), alternativeNodesStyle = list(style = "filled,rounded", shape =
"box", color = "thistle4", fillcolor = "thistle", penwidth = 4, fontname =
"helvetica"), criteriaEdgesStyle = list(arrowhead = "vee", color = "grey35",
penwidth = 2), alternativeEdgesStyle = list(dir = "none", color = "grey35",
penwidth = 2))
The tree to be drawn
a list of graphviz / dot language styling elements
a list of graphviz / dot language styling elements
a list of graphviz / dot language styling elements
a list of graphviz / dot language styling elements