A data.frame of one decision-maker with weights the same as Saaty2004;textualahpsurvey, with the pairwise comparisons of atts
: c('cult', 'fam', 'house', 'jobs', 'trans')
, about a choosing the best city to live in based on five attributes: Culture, Family, House, Jobs, and Transportation. The choices of 200 decision-makers are simulated based on the underlying weights and randomness generated by a normal random distribution. The true weights are stored in data(city1)
. The normal random distribution was set with a mean at the true weight value and a standard deviation of 2,1,2,1.5,2,1.5,2.5,0.5,0.5,1
in chronological order of the columns in city200
A data.frame
with 200 row and 10 variables, which are pairwise comparisons of atts