## data.frame of observed data
data(L0123001, package = "airGR")
BasinObs2 <- BasinObs[, c("DatesR", "P", "E", "Qmm", "T")]
## Preparation of observed data for modelling
PREP <- PrepGR(ObsDF = BasinObs2, HydroModel = "GR4J", CemaNeige = FALSE)
dyplot(PREP, main = "Observation")
## Calibration step
CAL <- CalGR(PrepGR = PREP, CalCrit = "KGE2",
WupPer = NULL, CalPer = c("1990-01-01", "1993-12-31"))
dyplot(CAL, main = "Calibration")
## Simulation
SIM <- SimGR(PrepGR = PREP, CalGR = CAL, EffCrit = "KGE2",
WupPer = NULL, SimPer = c("1994-01-01", "1998-12-31"))
dyplot(SIM, main = "Simulation")
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