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Example10x: Small example 10x Genomics Ig V(D)J sequences from CD19+ B cells isolated from PBMCs of a healthy human donor. Down-sampled from data provided by 10x Genomics under a Creative Commons Attribute license, and processed with their Cell Ranger pipeline.


Small example 10x Genomics Ig V(D)J sequences from CD19+ B cells isolated from PBMCs of a healthy human donor. Down-sampled from data provided by 10x Genomics under a Creative Commons Attribute license, and processed with their Cell Ranger pipeline.





A data.frame with the following AIRR style columns:

  • sequence_id: Sequence identifier

  • sequence_alignment: IMGT-gapped observed sequence.

  • germline_alignment: IMGT-gapped germline sequence.

  • v_call: V region allele assignments.

  • d_call: D region allele assignments.

  • j_call: J region allele assignments.

  • c_call: Isotype (C region) assignment.

  • junction: Junction region sequence.

  • junction_length: Length of the junction region in nucleotides.

  • np1_length: Combined length of the N and P regions proximal to the V region.

  • np2_length: Combined length of the N and P regions proximal to the J region.

  • umi_count: Number of unique molecular identifies atttributed to sequence.

  • cell_id: Cell identifier.

  • locus: Genomic locus of sequence.


  1. Data source: https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-vdj/datasets/2.2.0/vdj_v1_hs_cd19_b

  2. License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/