plotAbundanceCurve: Plot a clonal abundance distribution
plotAbundanceCurve plots the results from estimating the complete clonal
relative abundance distribution. The distribution is plotted as a log rank abundance
AbundanceCurve object returned by estimateAbundance.
named character vector whose names are values in the
group column of data and whose values are
colors to assign to those group names.
string specifying the plot title.
string specifying the legend title.
numeric vector of two values specifying the
c(lower, upper) x-axis limits. The lower x-axis
value must be >=1.
numeric vector of two values specifying the
c(lower, upper) y-axis limits. The limits on the
abundance values are expressed as fractions of 1: use
c(0,1) to set the lower and upper limits to 0% and 100%.
string defining whether to added values to the group labels
of the legend. When "none" (default) is specified no
annotations are added. Specifying ("depth") adds
sequence counts to the labels.
if TRUE do not draw the plot and just return the ggplot2
object; if FALSE draw the plot.
additional arguments to pass to ggplot2::theme.
See Also
See AbundanceCurve for the input object and estimateAbundance for
generating the input abundance distribution. Plotting is performed with ggplot.