Clonal diversity is calculated using the generalized diversity index (Hill numbers)
proposed by Hill (Hill, 1973). See calcDiversity for further details.
Diversity is calculated on the estimated complete clonal abundance distribution.
This distribution is inferred by using the Chao1 estimator to estimate the number
of seen clones, and applying the relative abundance correction and unseen clone
frequency described in Chao et al, 2015.
To generate a smooth curve, \(D\) is calculated for each value of \(q\) from
to max_q
incremented by step_q
. When uniform=TRUE
variability in total sequence counts across unique values in the group
is corrected by repeated resampling from the estimated complete clonal distribution to a
common number of sequences.
The diversity index (\(D\)) for each group is the mean value of over all resampling
realizations. Confidence intervals are derived using the standard deviation of the
resampling realizations, as described in Chao et al, 2015.