a vector. Contains the parameters of the $g$-and-$h$ distribution: median, scale, $g$, $h$.
an atomic vector. Determines the maximum amount of probability mass the outlier region may contain. Defaults to 0.1.
boolean. Returns the outlier-free data if set to TRUE. Defaults to FALSE.
is.outlier that flags the outliers with TRUE. If hide.outliers is set to TRUE, a simple vector of the outlier-free data.
The concept of $\alpha$-outliers is based on the p.d.f. of the random variable. Since for $g$-and-$h$ distributions this does not exist in closed form, the computation of the outlier region is based on an optimization of the quantile function with side conditions.
Xu, Y.; Iglewicz, B.; Chervoneva, I. (2014) Robust estimation of the parameters of g-and-h distributions, with applications to outlier detection. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 75, 66-80.