wraps KernSmooth::dpik
to select bandwidth for kernel density estimation the plug-in-the-equation method in two dimensions.This function calculates bandwidths for kernel density estimation by wrapping KernSmooth::dpik
. If correct = TURE
, the bandwidth is trasformed with power 5/6 to correct for using an univariate implementation for bivariate data (Gitzen et. al 2006).
hr_kde_pi(x, ...)# S3 method for track_xy
hr_kde_pi(x, rescale = "none", correct = TRUE, ...)
The bandwidth, the standardization method and correction.
[track_xy, track_xyt]
A track created with make_track
Further arguments, none implemented.
Rescaling method for reference bandwidth calculation. Must be one of "unitvar", "xvar", or "none".
Logical scalar that indicates whether or not the estimate should be correct for the two dimensional case.
Gitzen, R. A., Millspaugh, J. J., & Kernohan, B. J. (2006). Bandwidth selection for fixed-kernel analysis of animal utilization distributions. Journal of Wildlife Management, 70(5), 1334-1344.