analogue (version 0.17-7)

Stratiplot: Palaeoecological stratigraphic diagrams


Draws palaeoecological stratigraphic diagrams of one or more variables as a function of depth/age, with the time dimension flowing from the bottom to the top of the y-axis, using the Lattice graphics package.


Stratiplot(x, ...)

# S3 method for default Stratiplot(x, y, type = "l", ylab = NULL, xlab = "", pages = 1, rev = TRUE, ylim, sort = c("none", "wa", "var"), svar = NULL, rev.sort = FALSE, strip = FALSE, topPad =6, varTypes = "relative", absoluteSize = 0.5, zoneNames = NULL, drawLegend = TRUE, na.action = "na.omit", labelValues = NULL, labelAt = NULL, labelRot = 60, yticks, ...)

# S3 method for formula Stratiplot(formula, data, subset, na.action = "na.pass", type = "l", ylab = NULL, xlab = "", pages = 1, ...)


A side effect of calling Stratiplot is that a plot is drawn on the currently active device. A Lattice plot object of class

"trellis" is returned invisibly. This is a change from pre 0.17-0 version of the package.



matrix-like object; the variables to be plotted.


numeric vector of depths/ages corresponding to rows in x. Length of y must be the same as nrow(x) or exactly equal to nrow(x) / ncol(x). See Details.


an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The details of plot specification are given under ‘Details’.


character; The type of plotting. Can be a vector. Note that not all Lattice ‘type’s are supported and some new types are allowed. See panel.Stratiplot for further details.


an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by to a data frame) containing the variables to plot. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which Stratiplot is called.


an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. The default is "na.omit" for the default method, which strips NAs from the stacked data, whereas the default for the formula method is "na.pass" which results in NA being passed on to the plotting function. See Details for further information.

ylab, xlab

the x- and y-axis labels.


numeric; the number of pages to draw the plot over. May be useful for data sets with many species.


logical; should the y-axis limits be reversed


user supplied limits for the y-axis (time/depth). If not supplied, suitable limits will be determined from the data. As such, in general use ylim need not be supplied. If you choose to supply your own ylim values, note the default for argument rev; the default will reverse the values you supply to ylim.


character; how should the variables (columns) of x be sorted on the plot. "wa" sorts by weighted averages of variable svar if not NULL or of y otherwise. The default when "wa" is specified is to order by wiehgted average of the depth/time axis -- y. If "var", then ordering is done as per the order of svar.


vector; optional variable to sort columns of x by.


logical; should the sorting order be reversed.


logical; Should panels have strips containing variable labels drawn on them? Default is FALSE, which labels each panel with a label resulting in a more familiar plot style.


numeric; additional padding for the top axis to accomodate long variable names. This is a temporary fudge until the actual space required can be automagically calculated from the variable names themselves. The currently gets most of the way there, but topPad is used to add some extra space if required.


a character vector of length 1 or equal in length to the number of variables plotted. If length 1, the vector is expanded to the required length. Two values are allowed; i. "relative", and ii. "absolute". "relative" treats the indicated variable as a percentage type variable and the panel width is scaled relative to the percentage type variables plotted. "absolute" treats the indicated variable as an absolute variable whose panel width should be independent of the other panels. Use "absolute" for variables that are not species compositional data or other percentage type data.


numeric, length 1. This controls the width of panels for variables marked as "absolute", and is the proportion of the largest non-"absolute" panel.


character vector of labels, one per zone, with which to label the zone legend, if drawn (see argument drawLegend). See Details.


logical; should a legend for the zones


a vector of labels for the variables plotted. Should be equal in length to the number or variables in the resulting plot. The main use for labelValues is to provide non-standard labels for the variables, including a vector of expressions. See Examples for an illustration of this.

labelAt, labelRot

these control the placement and rotation, respectively, of the variable labels. labelAt is the coordinate at which the label is drawn; currently only one value is used so you can't place labels in different locations depending on which panel is drawn. This will be fixed in a future version. The default location for the label is the panel mid-point. labelAt controls the rotation of the label; it is a numeric value in degree.


This is passed to the scales argument of xyplot as component at. This should be a numeric vector of tick locations for the y (depth/age) axis. Setting this to NULL or FALSE suppresses ticks on the y axis. The default uses TRUE, which uses the default choices for at used by xyplot.


additional arguments passed to panel.Stratiplot and the underlying xyplot function.


Gavin L. Simpson.


The function now includes preliminary code to handle both relative (proportional or percentage data) and absolute data types, and mixtures thereof. Mixtures can be specified by supplying a vector of types to varTypes, in the same order as the variables are drawn on the plot.

Plots can be specified symbolically using a formula. A typical model has the form Y ~ variables, where Y is either the core depths or sample ages/dates (to be plotted on the y-axis) and variables is a series of terms which specifies the variables to plot against Y. Terms should be specified with the form var1 + var2 + var3 to plot only those variables. Other, standard, notation for formulae apply, such as model formulae used in lm.

For the formula method the default for argument na.action is "na.pass", which results in any NA values being passed on to the plotting code. This allows for plotting of proxies that been measured on different levels of the stratigraphy. Should you wish to have NA removed from the data before plotting, use na.action = "na.omit", though do note this will remove all rows where any column/variable takes the value NA. The default Stratiplot method, which is used by the formula method for plotting, will strip any NA values from the data provided to it. This allows the function to correctly handle the situation where proxies are measured on different levels of the core and you are displaying the data using lines of polygons. If the NA were not dropped by Stratiplot.default, any NA values would show up as breaks in the line or polygon drawn for each panel.

In summary, the two methods have different defaults for na.action to allow them to handle proxies measured on different levels of the same core. This does mean that you can not use the formula interface and strip NA's at the Stratiplot.default level. If you need that level of control use Stratiplot.default directly by not providing a formula as argument x and by supplying data for the y-axis via argument y. See Examples for an illustration of these features.

Note that formula is not passed on to xyplot. Instead, the formula is parsed and evaluated within Stratiplot and an appropriate data structure formed to facilitate plotting via xyplot. As such, the special features of Lattice formulae cannot be used.

If zones are drawn on the stratigraphic plot, the zoneNames argument can be used to supply a set of names with which to label the zones using a legend. This legend is drawn on the right-hand side of the the straigraphic diagram if drawLegend = TRUE is supplied. The zoneNames must be supplied in stratigraphic order, as that is the order in which they are drawn in the legend. Whether this ordering is reversed or not will depend on the value of argument rev. It is up to the user to provide the labels in the correct order. Zones are specified by the zone boundaries (excluding the core sequence top and bottom), and as a result 1 more label is required than the number of zone boundaries supplied. If no zoneNames is not supplied, but a legend is requested, suitable names will be produced. If you do not wish to have any labelling at all, then set zoneNames = "" as this will get recycled to the correct length. See the Example section for an illustration of how this drawing zones works.

See Also

xyplot, panel.Stratiplot, panel.Loess.


Run this code
Depths <- as.numeric(rownames(V12.122))

(plt <- Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
                   data = V12.122,  type = c("h","l","g","smooth")))

## Order taxa by WA in depth --- ephasises change over time
(plt <- Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
                   data = V12.122, type = c("h"), sort = "wa"))

## Using the default interface
spp.want <- c("O.univ","G.ruber","G.tenel","G.pacR")
(plt <- Stratiplot(V12.122[, spp.want], y = Depths,
                   type = c("poly", "g")))

## Adding zones to a Stratigraphic plot
## Default labelling and draw zone legend
## Here we choose 4 arbitrary Depths as the zone boundaries
Zones <-sample(Depths, 4)
Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
           data = V12.122, type = c("poly","g"),
           zones = Zones)

## As before, but supplying your own zone labels
zone.labs <- c("A","B","C","D","E")
Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
           data = V12.122, type = c("poly","g"),
           zones = Zones, zoneNames = zone.labs)

## Suppress the drawing of the zone legend
Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
           data = V12.122, type = c("poly","g"),
           zones = Zones, drawLegend = FALSE)

## Add zones and draw a legend, but do not label the zones
Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
           data = V12.122, type = c("poly","g"),
           zones = Zones, zoneNames = "")

## Show illustration of NA handling
dat <- data.frame(Depth = 1:20, LOI = runif(20), TC = NA)
dat <- within(dat, TC[sample(20, 10)] <- runif(10))
## default is 'na.action = "na.pass"'
Stratiplot(Depth ~ LOI + TC, data = dat, type = c("l","p"))
## to remove rows with NA, use 'na.action = "na.omit"'
Stratiplot(Depth ~ LOI + TC, data = dat, type = c("l","p"),
           na.action = "na.omit")

## Example of two proxies measured on different levels of core
## (Here measurements on alternate levels)
dat2a <- data.frame(Depth = seq(1, by = 2, length = 20), LOI = runif(20))
dat2b <- data.frame(Depth = seq(0, by = 2, length = 20), TC = runif(20))
dat2 <- join(dat2a, dat2b, na.replace = FALSE, split = FALSE)
dat2 <- dat2[order(dat2$Depth), ]

## Default is to allow NA through formula, but drop them when plotting
Stratiplot(Depth ~ LOI + TC, data = dat2, type = c("l","p"))

## compare with this if we didn't suppress NA in default Stratiplot
## method (can't use formula interface for this yet
Stratiplot(dat2[,-1], dat2[,1], type = c("l","p"),
           na.action = "na.pass")
## Notice no lines are draw as there a no "sections" ithout missing
## levels. If you want/desire this behaviour then you can't use formula
## interface yet as there is no way to specify the na.action separately

## Works with matrices
M <- as.matrix(V12.122)
Stratiplot(M, Depths, type = c("h"))

## Custom variable labels using expressions
df <- data.frame(Age = 1:10, Var1 = rnorm(10), Var2 = rnorm(10),
                 Var3 = rnorm(10))
## Use a vector of expressions to label variables on plot
## See ?plotmath for syntax of expressions
exprs <- expression(delta^{15}*N,       # label for Var1
                    delta^{18}*O,       # label for Var2
                    delta^{13}*C)       # label for Var3
Stratiplot(Age ~ ., data = df, labelValues = exprs, varTypes = "absolute")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab