## load the example data
data(swapdiat, swappH, rlgh)
## merge training and test set on columns
dat <- join(swapdiat, rlgh, verbose = TRUE)
## extract the merged data sets and convert to proportions
swapdiat <- dat[[1]] / 100
rlgh <- dat[[2]] / 100
## fit an analogue matching (AM) model using the squared chord distance
## measure - need to keep the training set dissimilarities
swap.ana <- analog(swapdiat, rlgh, method = "SQchord",
keep.train = TRUE)
## fit the ROC curve to the SWAP diatom data using the AM results
## Generate a grouping for the SWAP lakes
METHOD <- if (getRversion() < "3.1.0") {"ward"} else {"ward.D"}
clust <- hclust(as.dist(swap.ana$train), method = METHOD)
grps <- cutree(clust, 6)
## fit the logit models to the analog object
swap.lrm <- logitreg(swap.ana, grps)
## summary statistics
## plot the fitted logit curves
plot(swap.lrm, conf.type = "polygon")
## extract fitted posterior probabilities for training samples
## for the individual groups
fit <- fitted(swap.lrm)
## compute posterior probabilities of analogue-ness for the rlgh
## samples. Here we take the dissimilarities between fossil and
## training samples from the `swap.ana` object rather than re-
## compute them
pred <- predict(swap.lrm, newdata = swap.ana$analogs)
## Bias reduction
## fit the logit models to the analog object
swap.brlrm <- logitreg(swap.ana, grps, biasReduced = TRUE)
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