a vector having strings which is also required along
with the default output. Can have values:
trimmed.means for printing the trimmed mean after removing
trim fraction of data from each side of x. trim can be passed
as an parameter
skewness for printing the skewness of the data.
Use ?skreness for more information
kurtosis for printing
the kurtosis of the data. Use ?kurtosis for more information
number of decimal places required in the output.
vector of fractions (0 to 1) for which the quantiles are
required 0.5 means median, 0 means smallest observation and
1 means largest observation
the fraction (0 to 0.5) of observations to be trimmed from each
end of x before the mean is computed. Values of trim outside that range are
taken as the nearest endpoint. This only works if include.numeric has
a string 'trimmed.means'
other parameters required
Prints the following information on console:
vector name
number of distinct values
number of missing values
sd (standard deviation)
quantiles based on quant.seq parameter
other information based on include.numeric
a box plot (only if number distinct numbers are > 2).
If counts of all the factor levels are less than half of length of
x, then the histogram is scaled with maximum of 50
?consoleBoxplot for how to read the table and histogram)
a frequency table and histogram (only if number of distinct
numbers are < 11)
(look at ?freqTable for how to read the table and histogram)
This method removes all the missing values in x before computing the