"fitted"(object, ..., ties = c("omit", "uniform", "cpolr", "minentropy"), average = FALSE, unconditional = FALSE)
below for more details.average = FALSE
, a matrix of predicted probabilities
with rows corresponding to observations, and columns corresponding to
categories.If average = TRUE
, the matrix of predicted probabilities
(conditional or unconditional) is summarized to a vector.Wand, Jonathan; Gary King; and Olivia Lau. (2007) ``Anchors: Software for Anchoring Vignettes''. Journal of Statistical Software. Forthcoming. copy at http://wand.stanford.edu/research/anchors-jss.pdf
Wand, Jonathan and Gary King. (2007) Anchoring Vignetttes in R: A (different kind of) Vignette copy at http://wand.stanford.edu/anchors/doc/anchors.pdf
Gary King and Jonathan Wand. "Comparing Incomparable Survey Responses: New Tools for Anchoring Vignettes," Political Analysis, 15, 1 (Winter, 2007): Pp. 46-66, copy at http://gking.harvard.edu/files/abs/c-abs.shtml.
, cpolr