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animint2 (version 2025.1.28)

+.gganimint: Add a new component to a ggplot or theme object.


This operator allows you to add objects to a ggplot or theme object.


# S3 method for gganimint
+(e1, e2)

e1 %+% e2

e1 %+replace% e2



An object of class ggplot or theme


A component to add to e1


If the first object is an object of class ggplot, you can add the following types of objects, and it will return a modified ggplot object.

  • data.frame: replace current data.frame (must use %+%)

  • uneval: replace current aesthetics

  • layer: add new layer

  • theme: update plot theme

  • scale: replace current scale

  • coord: override current coordinate system

  • facet: override current coordinate faceting

If the first object is an object of class theme, you can add another theme object. This will return a modified theme object.

For theme objects, the + operator and the %+replace% can be used to modify elements in themes.

The + operator updates the elements of e1 that differ from elements specified (not NULL) in e2. Thus this operator can be used to incrementally add or modify attributes of a ggplot theme.

In contrast, the %+replace% operator replaces the entire element; any element of a theme not specified in e2 will not be present in the resulting theme (i.e. NULL). Thus this operator can be used to overwrite an entire theme.

See Also



Run this code
### Adding objects to a ggplot object
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg, colour = disp)) +

p + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 40))
p + scale_colour_continuous(breaks = c(100, 300))
p + guides(colour = "colourbar")

# Use a different data frame
m <- mtcars[1:10, ]
p %+% m

### Adding objects to a theme object
# Compare these results of adding theme objects to other theme objects
add_el <- theme_grey() + theme(text = element_text(family = "Times"))
rep_el <- theme_grey() %+replace% theme(text = element_text(family = "Times"))


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab