pubmed: A function to open the browser to Pubmed with the selected gene.
Given a vector of Pubmed identifiers or accession numbers, the user
can either have a browser display a URL showing a Pubmed query for
those identifiers, or a XMLdoc object with the same data.
Either "Data" or "Browser" (default is data). Data
returns a XMLDoc, while Browser will display information in the
user's browser.
Denotes whether the arguments are accession numbers or
UIDS. Defaults to uids.
Specific path to the pubmed efetch engine from the
NCBI website.
If the option "data" is used, an object of type XMLDoc is returned,
unless there was an error with the query in which case an object of
type try-error is returned.If the option "browser" is used, nothing is returned.
A simple function to retrieve Pubmed data given a specific ID, either
through XML or through a web browser. This function will accept
either pubmed accession numbers or NCBI UIDs (defined as a Pubmed
ID or a Medline ID) - although the types must not be mixed in a single
WARNING: The powers that be at NCBI have been known to ban the IP
addresses of users who abuse their servers (currently defined as
less then 2 seconds between queries). Do NOT put this function in
a tight loop or you may find your access revoked.