A numerical scalar indicating the number of digits to be printed after the decimal place.
Further arguments passed to print.
Function gof calculates the deviance \(D\) and the Pearson chi-squared \(X^2\) statistics for the model under consideration. Let \(y\) be the observed response, and \(E[y] = \mu\) and \(Var[y]\) its mean and variance estimated from the model, statistic \(X^2\) is calculated by:
$$X^2 = \sum_{i}( (y_i - \mu)^2/Var[y_i] )$$
Assuming that the data length is \(N\) and the number of the parameters in the model is \(p\), eqnD and eqnX^2 are compared to a chi-squared distribution with \(N-p\) degrees of freedom.
Agresti, A. Categorical data analysis. Wiley, 1990.
fm1 <- glm(cbind(m, n - m) ~ seed, data = orob2, family = binomial)
fm2 <- aodml(cbind(m, n - m) ~ seed, data = orob2, family = "bb")