## Illustration of binaryPGLMM() with simulated data
# Generate random phylogeny
n <- 100
phy <- compute.brlen(rtree(n=n), method = "Grafen", power = 1)
# Generate random data and standardize to have mean 0 and variance 1
X1 <- rTraitCont(phy, model = "BM", sigma = 1)
X1 <- (X1 - mean(X1))/var(X1)
# Simulate binary Y
sim.dat <- data.frame(Y=array(0, dim=n), X1=X1, row.names=phy$tip.label)
sim.dat$Y <- binaryPGLMM.sim(Y ~ X1, phy=phy, data=sim.dat, s2=.5,
B=matrix(c(0,.25),nrow=2,ncol=1), nrep=1)$Y
# Fit model
binaryPGLMM(Y ~ X1, phy=phy, data=sim.dat)
# }
# Compare with phyloglm()
summary(phyloglm(Y ~ X1, phy=phy, data=sim.dat))
# Compare with glm() that does not account for phylogeny
summary(glm(Y ~ X1, data=sim.dat, family="binomial"))
# Compare with logistf() that does not account
# for phylogeny but is less biased than glm()
logistf(Y ~ X1, data=sim.dat)
# Compare with MCMCglmm
V <- vcv(phy)
V <- V/max(V)
detV <- exp(determinant(V)$modulus[1])
V <- V/detV^(1/n)
invV <- Matrix(solve(V),sparse=T)
sim.dat$species <- phy$tip.label
rownames(invV) <- sim.dat$species
nitt <- 43000
thin <- 10
burnin <- 3000
prior <- list(R=list(V=1, fix=1), G=list(G1=list(V=1, nu=1000, alpha.mu=0, alpha.V=1)))
summary(MCMCglmm(Y ~ X1, random=~species, ginvers=list(species=invV),
data=sim.dat, slice=TRUE, nitt=nitt, thin=thin, burnin=burnin,
family="categorical", prior=prior, verbose=FALSE))
## Examine bias in estimates of B1 and s2 from binaryPGLMM with
# simulated data. Note that this will take a while.
Reps = 1000
s2 <- 0.4
B1 <- 1
meanEsts <- data.frame(n = Inf, B1 = B1, s2 = s2, Pr.s2 = 1, propconverged = 1)
for (n in c(160, 80, 40, 20)) {
meanEsts.n <- data.frame(B1 = 0, s2 = 0, Pr.s2 = 0, convergefailure = 0)
for (rep in 1:Reps) {
phy <- compute.brlen(rtree(n = n), method = "Grafen", power = 1)
X <- rTraitCont(phy, model = "BM", sigma = 1)
X <- (X - mean(X))/var(X)
sim.dat <- data.frame(Y = array(0, dim = n), X = X, row.names = phy$tip.label)
sim <- binaryPGLMM.sim(Y ~ 1 + X, phy = phy, data = sim.dat, s2 = s2,
B = matrix(c(0,B1), nrow = 2, ncol = 1), nrep = 1)
sim.dat$Y <- sim$Y
z <- binaryPGLMM(Y ~ 1 + X, phy = phy, data = sim.dat)
meanEsts.n[rep, ] <- c(z$B[2], z$s2, z$P.H0.s2, z$convergeflag == "converged")
converged <- meanEsts.n[,4]
meanEsts <- rbind(meanEsts,
c(n, mean(meanEsts.n[converged==1,1]),
mean(meanEsts.n[converged==1, 3] < 0.05),
# Results output for B1 = 0.5, s2 = 0.4; n-Inf gives the values used to
# simulate the data
# n B1 s2 Pr.s2 propconverged
# 1 Inf 1.000000 0.4000000 1.00000000 1.000
# 2 160 1.012719 0.4479946 0.36153072 0.993
# 3 80 1.030876 0.5992027 0.24623116 0.995
# 4 40 1.110201 0.7425203 0.13373860 0.987
# 5 20 1.249886 0.8774708 0.05727377 0.873
## Examine type I errors for estimates of B0 and s2 from binaryPGLMM()
# with simulated data. Note that this will take a while.
Reps = 1000
s2 <- 0
B0 <- 0
B1 <- 0
H0.tests <- data.frame(n = Inf, B0 = B0, s2 = s2, Pr.B0 = .05,
Pr.s2 = .05, propconverged = 1)
for (n in c(160, 80, 40, 20)) {
ests.n <- data.frame(B1 = 0, s2 = 0, Pr.B0 = 0, Pr.s2 = 0, convergefailure = 0)
for (rep in 1:Reps) {
phy <- compute.brlen(rtree(n = n), method = "Grafen", power = 1)
X <- rTraitCont(phy, model = "BM", sigma = 1)
X <- (X - mean(X))/var(X)
sim.dat <- data.frame(Y = array(0, dim = n), X = X, row.names = phy$tip.label)
sim <- binaryPGLMM.sim(Y ~ 1, phy = phy, data = sim.dat, s2 = s2,
B = matrix(B0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1), nrep = 1)
sim.dat$Y <- sim$Y
z <- binaryPGLMM(Y ~ 1, phy = phy, data = sim.dat)
ests.n[rep, ] <- c(z$B[1], z$s2, z$B.pvalue, z$P.H0.s2, z$convergeflag == "converged")
converged <- ests.n[,5]
H0.tests <- rbind(H0.tests,
c(n, mean(ests.n[converged==1,1]),
mean(ests.n[converged==1, 3] < 0.05),
mean(ests.n[converged==1, 4] < 0.05),
# Results for type I errors for B0 = 0 and s2 = 0; n-Inf gives the values
# used to simulate the data. These results show that binaryPGLMM() tends to
# have lower-than-nominal p-values; fewer than 0.05 of the simulated
# data sets have H0:B0=0 and H0:s2=0 rejected at the alpha=0.05 level.
# n B0 s2 Pr.B0 Pr.s2 propconverged
# 1 Inf 0.0000000000 0.00000000 0.05000000 0.05000000 1.000
# 2 160 -0.0009350357 0.07273163 0.02802803 0.04804805 0.999
# 3 80 -0.0085831477 0.12205876 0.04004004 0.03403403 0.999
# 4 40 0.0019303847 0.25486307 0.02206620 0.03711133 0.997
# 5 20 0.0181394905 0.45949266 0.02811245 0.03313253 0.996
# }
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