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ape (version 5.8-1)

c.phylo: Building Lists of Trees


These functions help to build lists of trees of class "multiPhylo".


# S3 method for phylo
c(..., recursive = TRUE)
# S3 method for multiPhylo
c(..., recursive = TRUE)
.compressTipLabel(x, ref = NULL)


An object of class "multiPhylo".



one or several objects of class "phylo" and/or "multiPhylo".


see details.


an object of class "phylo" or "multiPhylo".


an optional vector of mode character to constrain the order of the tips. By default, the order from the first tree is used.


Emmanuel Paradis


These c methods check all the arguments, and return by default a list of single trees unless some objects are not trees or lists of trees, in which case recursive is switched to FALSE and a warning message is given. If recursive = FALSE, the objects are simply concatenated into a list. Before ape 4.0, recursive was always set to FALSE.

.compressTipLabel transforms an object of class "multiPhylo" by checking that all trees have the same tip labels and renumbering the tips in the edge matrix so that the tip numbers are also the same taking the first tree as the reference (duplicated labels are not allowed). The returned object has a unique vector of tip labels (attr(x, "TipLabel")).

.uncompressTipLabel does the reverse operation.

See Also

summary.phylo, multiphylo


Run this code
x <- c(rtree(4), rtree(2))
y <- c(rtree(4), rtree(4))
z <- c(x, y)
print(z, TRUE)
try(.compressTipLabel(x)) # error
a <- .compressTipLabel(y)
.uncompressTipLabel(a) # back to y
## eventually compare str(a) and str(y)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab