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write.phyloXML: Write Tree File in phyloXML Format


This function writes trees to a file of phyloXML format.


write.phyloXML(phy, file = "", tree.names = FALSE)


None (invisible NULL).



an object of class "phylo" or "multiPhylo".


a file name specified by either a variable of mode character, or a double-quoted string; if file = "" (the default) then the tree is written on the standard output connection (i.e. the console).


either a logical or a vector of mode character specifying whether or which tree names should be written to the file.


Federico Marotta


If several trees are given, they will be represented as multiple <phylogeny> elements. Contrary to write.nexus, the trees need not have the same tip labels.

When tree.names is TRUE, the tree names will be always added as <name> tags to each phylogeny element. If the phy object is unnamed, then the names will be automatically generated from the tree indices as "tree<index>" (e.g. tree1, tree2, ...). If tree.names is a character vector, the specified names will be used instead.

Branch lengths, labels, and rootedness are preserved in the phyloXML file.


Han, M. V. and Zmasek, C. M. (2009) phyloXML: XML for evolutionary biology and comparative genomics. BMC Bioinformatics, 10, 356.

See Also

read.tree, write.tree, read.nexus, write.nexus, read.nexus.data, write.nexus.data