# HairEyeColor data, grouping by color
grp.color = 1,
grp.xy = NULL,
colors = c("black", "brown", "red", "gold"),
icon.space.factor = 0,
icon.aspect = 2,
main = "grouping by color")
# HairEyeColor data, grouping by color and symbols
grp.icon = "Sex",
grp.color = "Hair",
grp.xy = NULL,
colors = c("black", "brown", "red", "gold"),
icons = 18:17,
icon.frame = FALSE,
lab.cex = 0.8,
icon.space.factor = 0,
lab.parallel = !FALSE,
main = "grouping by color and icons")
# HairEyeColor data, grouping by x and color
grp.xy = "0 ~ 1",
grp.color = 2,
colors = c("black", "brown", "red", "gold"),
icon.stack.type = "tr",
icon.space.factor = c(0, 0.4),
lab.cex =0.7,
main = "grouping by x and by colors")
# 2-dim, 1 split in y, 1 split in x, grouping by color
grp.xy = "1 ~ 3",
grp.color = 2,
colors = c("brown", "blue", "brown3", "green"),
panel.frame = FALSE,
icon.stack.type = "bl",
lab.cex = 0.7,
main = "grouping by x and y and by colors")
# 3-dim, 2 splits in x, 1 split in x, margin labs on the right
grp.xy = "2 ~ 1 + 3 ",
grp.color = 2,
panel.space.factor = c(0, .1),
panel.margin = c(.05,.03,.03,.01),
icon.stack.type = "lb",
icon.stack.len = 7,
icon.frame = FALSE,
icon.space.factor = .0,
lab.parallel = c(TRUE, FALSE),
lab.color = c("lightblue","green"),
lab.side = "br",
lab.boxes = 0.2,
lab.type = "compact",
lab.cex = 0.8,
main = "grouping: 2~1+3 and by color, margin labs variations")
# 3-dim, 3 splits in y, icon.aspect = NA
grp.xy = "3 + 2 ~ 1",
grp.color = 3,
panel.margin = 0,
panel.space.factor = 0.1,
icon.stack.type = "lb",
icon.horizontal = TRUE,
icon.stack.len = 5,
icon.space.factor = c(.1, .3),
icon.aspect = NA,
icon.frame = FALSE,
lab.boxes = 0.3,
lab.color = "grey",
lab.side = "tl",
lab.parallel = TRUE,
lab.cex = 0.7,
lab.type = "compact",
main = "grouping: 3 + 2 ~ 1 and by color")
# 3-dim, plotting characters as icons
data <- as.table(array(0:23, 2:4))
grp.xy = 1 + 2 ~ 3,
grp.color = 3,
grp.icon = 2,
icon.aspect = 2,
icon.horizontal = TRUE,
icons = 15:18,
icon.stack.type = c("lb", "lt", "rb","rt")[3],
icon.frame = FALSE,
lab.cex = .6,
lab.type = "compact",
main = "1+2 ~ 3")
# 3-dim contingency table: panels of different sizes, 1 split in y, 2 in x
# packer numbers
# }
## because of computation time
grp.xy = 1~3+2,
grp.color = 1,
packer = c("icons", "numbers"),
panel.prop.to.size = 0.5,
panel.frame = !TRUE,
panel.margin = .01,
icon.aspect = 0.15,
icon.stack.type = "lt",
icon.space.factor = 0.0,
icon.frame = FALSE,
lab.side = c("bl","br","tl","tr")[1],
lab.type = "compact",
lab.cex = 0.8,
lab.boxes = 1.1,
lab.color = "lightgreen",
lab.parallel = TRUE,
main = "different sizes of panels")
# }
# 3-dim contingency table: panels of different sizes, 3 splits in y
# }
## because of computation time
grp.xy = "4 + 3 + 1 ~ 0" ,
grp.color = 4,
colors = c("green", "red"),
packer = c("icons", "numbers"),
panel.frame = FALSE,
panel.margin = .01,
panel.prop.to.size = .3,
panel.space.factor = 0.05,
panel.reverse.y = TRUE,
icon.space.factor = 0.5,
lab.side = "l",
lab.type = "compact",
lab.parallel = c(FALSE, TRUE),
lab.cex = 0.7,
main = "Titanic data, different sizes of panels")
# }
# 3-dim contingency table: panels of different sizes
# }
## because of computation time
grp.xy = "0 ~ 4 + 3 + 1 " ,
grp.color = 4,
colors = c("green", "red"),
panel.frame = FALSE,
panel.margin = .01,
panel.prop.to.size = .2,
panel.space.factor = 0.05,
panel.reverse.y = TRUE,
icon.space.factor = 0.5,
lab.side = "b",
lab.type = "compact",
lab.boxes = 0.2,
lab.parallel = c(FALSE, TRUE),
lab.cex = 0.6,
lab.color = c("lightblue"),
main = "Titanic data, different widths of panels")
# }
# 3-dim contingency table: panels of different sizes, 3 splits in x
# }
## because of computation time
grp.xy = 3 + 2 ~ 1,
grp.color = 2,
panel.prop.to.size = 0.66,
icon.space.factor = 0.4,
panel.space.factor = 0.1,
lab.type = "c",
lab.cex = 0.7,
lab.boxes = 1.2,
lab.color = c("lightblue"),
main = "Titanic: panel.prop.to.size = 0.66")
# }
# comparing iconplot and mosaic plot
# par(mfrow = 2:1)
grp.xy = 2 ~ 1 + 3 ,
lab.parallel = c(TRUE, TRUE),
colors = "red",
panel.reverse.y = TRUE,
panel.prop.to.size = TRUE,
icon.space.factor = 0.5,
icon.aspect = 2,
lab.cex = .6,
lab.boxes = 1,
lab.color = "grey",
# lab.side = "lt",
panel.margin = c(0.00,.035,0.0,.050),
main = 'HairEyeColor: grp.xy = 2 ~ 1 + 3')
# par(mfrow = c(1,1))
# relative frequences
data <- as.table(Titanic / max(Titanic))
grp.xy = 1 ~ 2 + 3,
grp.color = 4,
panel.frame = FALSE,
panel.space.factor = 0.05,
icon.horizontal = !TRUE,
icon.space.factor = 0.103,
icon.stack.type = "b",
icon.aspect = 0.5,
main = "Titanic: relative frequencies", colors = c("black", "green"))
# negative and fractional cell entries
# }
## because of computation time
data <- HairEyeColor; Exp <- margin.table(data, 1)
for( d in 2:length(dim(data)) ){
Exp <- outer( Exp, margin.table(data, d) ) / sum(data)
Diff <- Exp - data
cat("observed:\n"); print(data)
cat("expected:\n"); print(round(Exp, 3))
cat("deviation: expected - observed:\n"); print(round(Diff,3))
grp.xy = 1 + .sign ~ 2 + 3,
grp.color = ".sign",
colors = c( "red", "green"),
panel.reverse.y = TRUE,
panel.frame = FALSE,
icon.stack.type = c("t","b"),
lab.boxes = 1.2,
lab.color = "lightgreen",
main = "deviations from expectation: HairEyeColor")
# }
# relative differences of expectations, split according sign
data <- margin.table(Titanic, c(2,1,4)); pT <- prop.table(data)
eT <- outer(outer(margin.table(pT,1), margin.table(pT,2)), margin.table(pT,3))
data <- as.table(pT - eT); data <- data / max(data)
grp.xy = Survived + Sex + .sign ~ Class,
grp.color = ".sign",
panel.frame = FALSE,
panel.reverse.y = TRUE,
panel.space.factor = 0.05,
icon.horizontal = !TRUE,
icon.stack.type = rep(c("t","b"), 2),
icon.aspect = 2,
icon.space.factor = 0.1,
lab.boxes = 1.2,
lab.color = "lightgrey",
main = "Titanic: difference to expectation")
# using a foto as icon, rentals of flats in Goettingen 2015/12
rentels <-
structure(list(Rooms = c(2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, NA, 2, 2,
3, 4, 4, NA, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2), qm = c(43.13, 86, 48, 66.62,
76, 49, 59, 97, 45, 87, 46.39, 71, 65, 100, 75, 178, 94.07, 56,
97, 70, 132, 43, 24, 48), Eur = c(365, 480, 480, 660, 500, 410,
440, 1200, 450, 696, 420, 710, 747.5, 1300, 450, 990, 900, 520,
1020, 1005, 924, 610, 375, 420)), class = "data.frame",
row.names = c(NA, 24L))
fname <- system.file("src", "tm1.jpg", package="aplpack") # fname <- "tm1.jpg"
grp.xy = Eur ~ qm,
vars.to.factors = c(1, .5, .3),
panel.frame = FALSE,
panel.space.factor = 0.2,
panel.prop.to.size = 0.7,
icons = fname,
icon.frame = FALSE,
icon.space.factor = 0.05,
lab.parallel = c(TRUE, TRUE),
lab.legend = "cols",
main = "rentels of flats in Goettingen 2015/12")
# size by .fractions, color by rooms
data <- cbind(rentels, .fraction = (rentels[,3] / max(rentels[,3]))^.5)
grp.xy = Eur ~ qm,
grp.color = Rooms,
vars.to.factors = c(1,.5, .3),
panel.frame = FALSE,
panel.space.factor = 0.1,
panel.prop.to.size = 0.7,
icons = fname,
icon.stack.type = "s",
icon.frame = FALSE,
icon.space.factor = 0.05,
lab.cex = 0.8,
main = "size fby .fractions, color by rooms")
# jpg files as icons
# }
## because of computation time
data <- as.table(Titanic[2:3,,,,drop=FALSE]) / 10
fname1 <- system.file("src", "walkman-r.jpg", package="aplpack") # fname1 <- "walkman-r.jpg"
fname2 <- system.file("src", "pw-esch.jpg", package="aplpack") # fname2 <- "pw-esch.jpg"
p.set <- c(fname1, fname2)
grp.xy = 2 ~ 3+1,
grp.color = 1,
grp.icon = 3,
icons = p.set,
colors = c("blue", "green"),
panel.space.factor = 0.05,
panel.prop.to.size = c(.5, .5, 1),
icon.aspect = 1,
icon.space.factor = .10,
icon.horizontal = TRUE,
icon.draft = FALSE,
icon.stack.type = c("lb", "lt", "rb","rt")[1],
icon.grey.levels = list(2, 10),
lab.side = "t", lab.cex = .7,
main = "walkman and pw icons, scaled subset of Titanic")
# }
# files of different types as icons
# }
## because of computation time
fname3 <- system.file("src", "pw-esch.ppm", package="aplpack") # fname3 <- "pw-esch.ppm"
fname4 <- system.file("src", "pw-esch.png", package="aplpack") # fname4 <- "pw-esch.png"
p.set <- c(fname2, fname3, fname4)
grp.xy = Girth ~ Height,
grp.icon = Height,
grp.color = Volume,
vars.to.factors = c(Volume = 4, Girth = 3, Height = 3),
panel.space.factor = 0.05,
panel.prop.to.size = c(.7, .45),
panel.frame = FALSE,
icons = p.set,
icon.cex = 14,
icon.grey.levels = 6, icon.space.factor = 0.05 )
# }
# using raster graphics objects as icons
data <- as.table(Titanic[1:2,,,,drop=FALSE])/10
image1 <- as.raster( matrix( c(1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1), ncol = 3, nrow = 3))
image2 <- as.raster( matrix( c(1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1), ncol = 3, nrow = 3))
grp.xy = 2 ~ 4+1,
grp.color = 1,
grp.icon = 4,
colors = c("blue", "green"),
icons = list(image1, image2),
icon.aspect = 1,
icon.space.factor = .10,
icon.horizontal = TRUE,
icon.draft = FALSE,
icon.stack.type = c("lb", "lt", "rb","rt")[1],
icon.grey.levels = list(2, 10),
lab.side = "t", lab.cex = .7, main = "some Titanic data")
# using internal generator "fir.tree"
# }
## because of computation time
data <- trees
grp.color = 3,
grp.xy = 1 ~ 2,
vars.to.factor = c(5, 5, 8),
icons = "fir.tree",
colors = rainbow(8, start = .1, end = .5),
icon.frame = FALSE,
lab.legend = 2,
lab.cex = 0.7,
main = "grouping by vars and by colors")
# }
# using different internal generators
data <- trees
grp.color = 1,
grp.xy = 1 ~ 2,
grp.icon = 2,
colors = c("orange", "green", "orange", "red"),
icons = c("nabla", "BI", "walkman", "car.simple", "bike", "circle"),
vars.to.factor = c(3,6),
lab.legend = 2,
lab.cex = 0.7,
main = "grouping by vars, by icons and by colors")
# Traveller plot proposed by M. Mazziotta and A. Pareto
Mazzi.Pareto <-
structure(list(Region = c("Piemonte", "Valle d'Aosta", "Lombardia",
"Trentino-Alto Adige", "Veneto", "Friuli-Venezia Giulia", "Liguria",
"Emilia-Romagna", "Toscana", "Umbria", "Marche", "Lazio", "Abruzzo",
"Molise", "Campania", "Puglia", "Basilicata", "Calabria", "Sicilia",
"Sardegna"), Mean = c(98.74, 104.07, 101.38, 106.1, 104.38, 105.55,
102.76, 103.62, 101.84, 103.52, 102.05, 97.88, 102.9, 91.43,
94.12, 96.78, 93.55, 92.59, 96.29, 100.45), Penalty = c(0.43,
4.23, 0.64, 0.63, 0.77, 0.34, 0.29, 0.46, 0.27, 0.22, 0.15, 0.82,
1.3, 1.02, 0.37, 0.21, 2.37, 0.51, 0.31, 0.76), MPI = c(98.3,
99.84, 100.74, 105.47, 103.61, 105.21, 102.47, 103.16, 101.57,
103.3, 101.9, 97.06, 101.6, 90.42, 93.75, 96.58, 91.18, 92.08,
95.98, 99.69)), .Names = c("Region", "Mean", "Penalty", "MPI"
), row.names = c(NA, -20L), class = "data.frame")
dm <- cbind(Mazzi.Pareto,
col = as.factor(rep(1:4, 5)), # as.factor!!
row = as.factor(rep(1:5, each = 4))) # as.factor!!
iconplot(dm, verbose = !TRUE, x.text = 60, y.text = -10, #t3s
grp.xy = row ~ col,
grp.icon = 0 + Mean + Penalty + Region,
vars.to.factor = FALSE,
icons = "mazz.man",
panel.reverse.y = TRUE,
icon.space.factor = 0,
icon.frame = FALSE,
lab.parallel = TRUE,
lab.side = c("",""),
main = "Traveller plot")
# definition of a check list, tally or 'Krebholz'
check.list <- function(x, colors = rainbow(length(x))){
num.split <- function(x, div = 5){
x.name <- as.character(substitute(x))
xn <- lapply( x, function(x)
c(rep(div, x %/% div), if( 0 < ( h <- x %% div) ) h )
len <- max(sapply(xn, length))
xn <- lapply( xn, function(x) c(x, rep(0, len - length(x) )))
xn <- matrix( unlist(xn), ncol = len, byrow = TRUE )
xn <- as.table(xn)
dimnames(xn) <- list( seq( along = x ), 1:len)
names(dimnames(xn)) <- c(x.name, "Blocks")
x.split <- num.split(x)
rownames(x.split) <- paste(sep = ":", 1:length(x), x)
grp.xy = 1 ~ 2,
grp.col = 1,
colors = colors,
panel.space.factor = c(0.4, 0.3),
panel.frame = FALSE,
icon.stack.len = 5,
icon.space.factor = c(0.4, 0),
icon.asp = NA,
icon.frame = FALSE,
lab.side = "l",
lab.cex = 0.7,
main = paste("score of", substitute(x)))
set.seed(13); data <- sample(1:50, size = 15)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab