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apollo (version 0.3.4)

apollo_combineResults: Write model results to file


Writes results from various models to a single csv file.


apollo_combineResults(combineResults_settings = NULL)


Nothing, but writes a file called 'model_comparison_[date].csv' in the working/output directory.



List. Contains settings for this function. User input is required for all settings except those with a default or marked as optional.

  • modelNames: Character vector. Optional names of models to combine. Omit or use an empty vector to combine results from all models in the working/output directory.

  • printClassical: Boolean. TRUE for printing classical standard errors. FALSE by default.

  • printPVal: Boolean. TRUE for printing p-values. FALSE by default.

  • printT1: Boolean. If TRUE, t-test for H0: apollo_beta=1 are printed. FALSE by default.

  • estimateDigits: Numeric scalar. Number of decimal places to print for estimates. Default is 4.

  • tDigits: Numeric scalar. Number of decimal places to print for t-ratios values. Default is 2.

  • pDigits: Numeric scalar. Number of decimal places to print for p-values. Default is 2.

  • sortByDate: Boolean. If TRUE, models are ordered by date. Default is TRUE.