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apollo (version 0.3.4)

apollo_conditionals: Calculates conditionals


Calculates posterior expected values (conditionals) of random coefficient models (continuous or discrete mixtures/latent class)


apollo_conditionals(model, apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs)


Depends on whether the model uses continuous mixtures or latent class.

  • If the model contains a continuous mixture, the function returns a list of matrices. Each matrix has dimensions nIndiv x 3. One matrix per random component. Each row of each matrix contains the indivID of an individual, and the posterior mean and s.d. of this random component for this individual.

  • If the model contains latent classes, the function returns a matrix with the posterior class allocation probabilities for each individual.

  • If the model contains both continuous mixtures and latent classes, the function fails.



Model object. Estimated model object as returned by function apollo_estimate.


Function. Returns probabilities of the model to be estimated. Must receive three arguments:

  • apollo_beta: Named numeric vector. Names and values of model parameters.

  • apollo_inputs: List containing options of the model. See apollo_validateInputs.

  • functionality: Character. Can be either "components", "conditionals", "estimate" (default), "gradient", "output", "prediction", "preprocess", "raw", "report", "shares_LL", "validate" or "zero_LL".


List grouping most common inputs. Created by function apollo_validateInputs.


This functions is only meant for use with models using either continuous distributions or latent classes, not both at the same time