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apollo (version 0.3.4)

apollo_makeDraws: Creates draws for models with mixing


Creates a list containing all draws necessary to estimate a model with mixing.


apollo_makeDraws(apollo_inputs, silent = FALSE)


List. Each element is an array of draws representing a random component of the mixing model.



List grouping most common inputs. Created by function apollo_validateInputs.


Boolean. If true, then no information is printed to console or default output. FALSE by default.


Internal use only. Called by apollo_validateInputs. This function creates a list whose elements are the sets of draws requested by the user for use in a model with mixing. If the model does not include mixing, then it is not necessary to run this function. The number of draws has a massive impact on memory usage and estimation time. Memory usage and number of computations scale geometrically as N*interNDraws*intraNDraws (where N is the number of observations). Special care should be taken when using both inter and intra-individual draws, as memory usage can easily reach the GB order of magnitude. Also, keep in mind that using several threads (i.e. multicore) at least doubles the memory usage. This function returns a list, with each element representing a random component of the mixing model. The dimensions of the array depend on the type of draws used.

  1. If only inter-individual draws are used, then draws are stored as 2-dimensional arrays (i.e. matrices).

  2. If intra-individual draws are used, then draws are stored as 3-dimensional arrays.

  3. The first dimension of the arrays (rows) correspond with the observations in the database.

  4. The second dimension of the arrays (columns) correspond to the number of inter-individual draws.

  5. The third dimension of the arrays correspond to the number of intra-individual draws.