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apollo (version 0.3.4)

apollo_validateHBControl: Validates the apollo_HB list of parameters


Validates the apollo_HB list of parameters and sets default values for the omitted ones.


  silent = FALSE


Validated apollo_HB



List. Contains options for Bayesian estimation. See ?RSGHB::doHB for details. Parameters modelname, gVarNamesFixed, gVarNamesNormal, gDIST, svN and FC are automatically set based on the other arguments of this function. Other settings to include are the following.

  • constraintNorm: Character vector. Constraints for random coefficients in bayesian estimation. Constraints can be written as "b1>b2", "b1<b2", "b1>0", or "b1<0".

  • fixedA: Named numeric vector. Contains the names and fixed mean values of random parameters. For example, c(b1=0) fixes the mean of b1 to zero.

  • fixedD: Named numeric vector. Contains the names and fixed variance of random parameters. For example, c(b1=1) fixes the variance of b1 to zero.

  • gFULLCV: Boolean. Whether the full variance-covariance structure should be used for random parameters (TRUE by default).

  • gNCREP: Numeric. Number of burn-in iterations to use prior to convergence (default=10^5).

  • gNEREP: Numeric. Number of iterations to keep for averaging after convergence has been reached (default=10^5).

  • gINFOSKIP: Numeric. Number of iterations between printing/plotting information about the iteration process (default=250).

  • hbDist: Mandatory setting. A named character vector determining the distribution of each parameter to be estimated. Possible values are as follows.

    • "CN+": Positive censored normal.

    • "CN-": Negative censored normal.

    • "JSB": Johnson SB.

    • "LN+": Positive log-normal.

    • "LN-": Negative log-normal.

    • "N": Normal.

    • "NR": Fixed (as in non-random) parameter.

  • nodiagnostics: Boolean. Turn off pre-estimation diagnostics for RSGHB. Set to TRUE by default.


Named numeric vector. Names and values for parameters.


Character vector. Names (as defined in apollo_beta) of parameters whose value should not change during estimation. value is constant throughout estimation).


List. Options controlling the running of the code. See apollo_validateInputs.


Boolean. TRUE to keep the function from printing to the console. Default is FALSE.


This function is only necessary when using bayesian estimation.