## basic examples
# load sample data, upgrade to SoilProfileCollection
depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
hzdesgnname(sp1) <- "name"
# aggregate entire collection with two different segment sizes
a <- slab(sp1, fm = ~ prop)
b <- slab(sp1, fm = ~ prop, slab.structure=5)
# check output
# stack into long format
ab <- make.groups(a, b)
ab$which <- factor(ab$which, levels=c('a','b'),
labels=c('1-cm Interval', '5-cm Interval'))
# plot median and IQR
# custom plotting function for uncertainty viz.
xyplot(top ~ p.q50 | which, data=ab, ylab='Depth',
xlab='median bounded by 25th and 75th percentiles',
lower=ab$p.q25, upper=ab$p.q75, ylim=c(250,-5),
layout=c(2,1), scales=list(x=list(alternating=1))
### re-arrange data / no aggregation
# load sample data, upgrade to SoilProfileCollection
depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
# arrange data by ID
a <- slab(sp1, fm = id ~ prop, slab.fun=identity)
# convert id to a factor for plotting
a$id <- factor(a$id)
# check output
# plot via step function
xyplot(top ~ value | id, data=a, ylab='Depth',
ylim=c(250, -5), as.table=TRUE,
## categorical variable example
depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
# normalize horizon names: result is a factor
sp1$name <- generalize.hz(
new = c('O','A','B','C'),
pat = c('O', '^A','^B','C')
# compute slice-wise probability so that it sums to contributing fraction, from 0-150
a <- slab(sp1, fm= ~ name, cpm=1, slab.structure=0:150)
# convert wide -> long for plotting
# result is a data.table
# genhz factor levels are set by order in `measure.vars`
a.long <- data.table::melt(
id.vars = c('top','bottom'),
measure.vars = c('O', 'A', 'B', 'C'),
# plot horizon type proportions using panels
xyplot(top ~ value | variable,
data = a.long, subset=value > 0,
col = 1, lwd = 2,
xlab = 'Class Probability',
ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
strip = strip.custom(bg = grey(0.85)),
scales = list(x = list(alternating = FALSE)),
ylim = c(150, -5), type=c('S','g'),
horizontal = TRUE, layout = c(4,1)
# again, this time using groups
xyplot(top ~ value,
data = a.long,
groups = variable,
subset = value > 0,
ylim = c(150, -5),
type = c('S','g'),
horizontal = TRUE,
asp = 2,
lwd = 2,
auto.key = list(
lines = TRUE,
points = FALSE,
cex = 0.8,
columns = 1,
space = 'right'
# adjust probability to size of collection, from 0-150
a.1 <- slab(sp1, fm= ~ name, cpm = 2, slab.structure = 0:150)
# convert wide -> long for plotting
# result is a data.table
# genhz factor levels are set by order in `measure.vars`
a.1.long <- data.table::melt(
id.vars = c('top','bottom'),
measure.vars = c('O','A','B','C')
# combine aggregation from `cpm` modes 1 and 2
g <- make.groups(cmp.mode.1 = a.long, cmp.mode.2 = a.1.long)
# plot horizon type proportions
xyplot(top ~ value | variable,
groups = which,
data = g, subset = value > 0,
ylim = c(240, -5),
type = c('S','g'),
horizontal = TRUE,
layout = c(4,1),
auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, columns = 2),
par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(col = c(1, 2), lwd = 2)),
scales = list(alternating = 3),
xlab = 'Class Probability',
ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
strip = strip.custom(bg = grey(0.85))
# apply slice-wise evaluation of max probability, and assign ML-horizon at each slice
gen.hz.ml <- get.ml.hz(a, c('O','A','B','C'))
if (FALSE) {
## HD quantile estimator
# sample data
data('loafercreek', package = 'soilDB')
# defaul slab.fun wraps stats::quantile()
a <- slab(loafercreek, fm = ~ total_frags_pct + clay)
# use HD quantile estimator from Hmisc package instead
a.HD <- slab(loafercreek, fm = ~ total_frags_pct + clay, slab.fun = aqp:::.slab.fun.numeric.HD)
# combine
g <- make.groups(standard=a, HD=a.HD)
# note differences
densityplot(~ p.q50 | variable, data=g, groups=which,
scales=list(relation='free', alternating=3, tick.number=10, y=list(rot=0)),
xlab='50th Percentile', pch=NA, main='Loafercreek',
auto.key=list(columns=2, points=FALSE, lines=TRUE),
par.settings=list(superpose.line=list(lwd=2, col=c('RoyalBlue', 'Orange2')))
# differences are slight but important
top ~ p.q50 | variable, data=g, groups=which,
xlab='Value', ylab='Depth (cm)',
asp=1.5, main='Loafercreek',
lower=g$p.q25, upper=g$p.q75,
sync.colors=TRUE, alpha=0.25, cf=g$contributing_fraction,
ylim=c(115,-5), layout=c(2,1), scales=list(x=list(relation='free')),
par.settings=list(superpose.line=list(lwd=2, col=c('RoyalBlue', 'Orange2'))),
auto.key=list(columns=2, lines=TRUE, points=FALSE)
## multivariate examples
# add new grouping factor
sp3$group <- 'group 1'
sp3$group[as.numeric(sp3$id) > 5] <- 'group 2'
sp3$group <- factor(sp3$group)
# upgrade to SPC
depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom
site(sp3) <- ~ group
# custom 'slab' function, returning mean +/- 1SD
mean.and.sd <- function(values) {
m <- mean(values, na.rm=TRUE)
s <- sd(values, na.rm=TRUE)
upper <- m + s
lower <- m - s
res <- c(mean=m, lower=lower, upper=upper)
# aggregate several variables at once, within 'group'
a <- slab(sp3, fm = group ~ L + A + B, slab.fun = mean.and.sd)
# check the results:
# note that 'group' is the column containing group labels
top ~ mean | variable, data=a, groups=group,
lower=a$lower, upper=a$upper,
sync.colors=TRUE, alpha=0.5,
cf = a$contributing_fraction,
xlab = 'Mean Bounded by +/- 1SD',
ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
ylim=c(125,-5), layout=c(3,1),
par.settings = list(superpose.line=list(lwd=2, col=c('RoyalBlue', 'Orange2'))),
panel = panel.depth_function,
prepanel = prepanel.depth_function,
strip = strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85)),
auto.key = list(columns=2, lines=TRUE, points=FALSE)
# compare a single profile to the group-level aggregate values
a.1 <- slab(sp3[1, ], fm = group ~ L + A + B, slab.fun = mean.and.sd)
# manually update the group column
a.1$group <- 'profile 1'
# combine into a single data.frame:
g <- rbind(a, a.1)
# plot with customized line styles
top ~ mean | variable, data=g, groups=group, subscripts=TRUE,
lower=a$lower, upper=a$upper, ylim=c(125,-5),
layout=c(3,1), scales=list(x=list(relation='free')),
xlab = 'Mean Bounded by +/- 1SD',
ylab = 'Depth (cm)',
sync.colors = TRUE, alpha = 0.25,
par.settings = list(
superpose.line = list(
col = c('orange', 'royalblue', 'black'),
lwd = 2, lty = c(1,1,2)
strip = strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85)),
auto.key = list(columns=3, lines=TRUE, points=FALSE)
## again, this time for a user-defined slab from 40-60 cm
a <- slab(sp3,
fm = group ~ L + A + B,
slab.structure = c(40,60),
slab.fun = mean.and.sd
# now we have weighted average properties (within the defined slab)
# for each variable, and each group
# convert long -> wide
formula = group + top + bottom ~ variable,
value.var = 'mean'
## this time, compute the weighted mean of selected properties, by profile ID
a <- slab(sp3,
fm = id ~ L + A + B,
slab.structure = c(40,60),
slab.fun = mean.and.sd
# convert long -> wide
formula = id + top + bottom ~ variable,
value.var = 'mean'
## aggregate the entire collection, using default slab function (hdquantile)
## note the missing left-hand side of the formula
a <- slab(sp3, fm= ~ L + A + B)
## weighted-aggregation -- NOT YET IMPLEMENTED --
# load sample data, upgrade to SoilProfileCollection
depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
# generate pretend weights as site-level attribute
sp1$site.wts <- runif(n=length(sp1), min=20, max=100)
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